Weidler, Johann Friedrich, Jo. Friderici Weidleri Tractatus de machinis hydraulicis toto terrarum orbe maximis Marlyensi et Londinensi et aliis rarioribus similibus in quo mensurae prope ipsas machinas notatae describuntur, et de viribus earum luculenter disseritur

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6555DE MACHINA HYDRAVL. LONDINENSI. or 3 Inches above, and the other, ſo far below the
ſurface of the water therein, when it is of a due
theſe are, to find the exceſſ or defect of wa-
ter in the Boiler, it being of a due height, when ſte-
am is emitted by the ſhorter, and water by the
longeſt Pipe.
H. A Pipe fix'd to the Head of the Boiler, and
called the Buoy-Pipe, open at both Ends, the lower
End being a foot or more below the ſurface of the
water, in the Boiler, in which is a cylindrical Buoy,
that ſwims upon the water therein, and when the
Steam in the Boiler is become ſo ſtrong, as by its
Preſſure to force the water up into the ſaid Pipe, it
then raiſes the Buoy, whoſe Shanck 12 cauſes the Bal-
lance R and Inceptor 7, alſo to riſe, and lifting
the notch 2 from 3 on the End of the Leaver oo,
Permits No.
13 a wight hanging thereto, to fall ſo far,
till thereby the injecting Cock at N (the axis of the
ſaid Leaver) is opened, by which a Injection of cold
water being made, and conſequently a vacuum (by
the condenſation of the Steam procured) the preſſure
of the atmoſphere on the Piſton brings down b (the
inner end of the great Leaver) when on of the three
Pins in the hanging Beam Q, that comes down with
the great Leaver, takes hold of n.
1. one End of the
Leaver oo, which by the fall of the wigt.
13 at the
other End, was raiſed, as above, ſomewhat heigher
than the Parallel of its axis at N, and brings it down
ſo far till the End 3 is raiſed up high enough to be
again taken hold of by the notch 2, at which Time the
injecting-Cock is thereby ſhut, and the Regulator E
opened, as deſcribed under the letter Q.

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