Apollonius <Pergaeus>; Lawson, John, The two books of Apollonius Pergaeus, concerning tangencies, as they have been restored by Franciscus Vieta and Marinus Ghetaldus : with a supplement to which is now added, a second supplement, being Mons. Fermat's Treatise on spherical tangencies

Table of Notes

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HAD not a motive more prevalent than Cuſtom induced me to
ſay ſomething by way of Preface to the Performance which
I herewith offer to the Public, the difficulty I find in doing it with
propriety, would have determined me to remain entirely ſilent.
The ſubject has employed the Pen of one of the ableſt Geometers
of the laſt Century;
it may therefore ſeem very preſumptuous, in
me at leaſt, who am but young in theſe matters, to attempt it after
To obviate, if poſſible, this Cenſure is my only intention
and I hope I ſhall not be deemed impertinent, if I attempt to
ſhew wherein I apprehend I have come nearer to the great original
than he hath done.

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