Vitruvius, Vitrvvivs Itervm Et Frontinvs À Iocvndo Revisi Repvrgatiqve Qvantvm Ex Collatione Licvit, 1513

Table of Notes

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              <pb o="30" file="0071" n="71" rhead="SECVNDVS."/>
            omnid opera per ficerentur. </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">Cum ergo propter ꝓpin
            quitatẽ neceſſitas cogat ex rubris lapicidinis & </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">pal-
            lienſibus & </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">quæ ſunt urbi proximæ, copiis uti ſiqui
            uoluerint ſine uitiis per ficere, it a erit præpar andũ.
            <s xml:space="preserve">Cum ædificandum fuerit, ante biennium ed ſaxa nõ
            hieme ſed æſtate eximantur, & </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">iacentia permaneãt
            in locis patentibus, quæ autẽ à tempeſt atibus eo bien
            nio tactalæſa ſuerint, eain fundamenta coniiciãtur,
            cætera quæ non erunt uitiata, abnatura rerum pro
            bata, durare poterunt ſupra terr am ædificata, nec
            ſolumea in quadratis lapidibus ſunt obſeruanda,
            ſed etiam in cementitiis ſtructuris.</s>
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        <div type="section" level="0" n="0">
          <head style="it" xml:space="preserve">De generibus ſtructuræ & earum qualitatibus mo
          dis aclocis. # Caput. VIII.</head>
          <p style="it">
            <s xml:space="preserve">STructurarum generaſunt hæc,
              <emph style="st">reticula-
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            quo nunc omnes utũtur, & </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">
              <emph style="st">antiquũ,</emph>
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              <emph style="st">incertũ dicitur</emph>
            , ex his uenuſtius eſt
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            reticulatum, ſed ad rimas faciendasideo paratum, ꝙ
            in omnes partes diſſoluta habet cubilia & </s>
            <s xml:space="preserve">coagmen
            ta, Incerta uero cementa alia ſuper alia ſedentia in
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            ter ſẽq́ imbricata non ſpecio am, ſed firmiorem ꝗ̃ re
            ticulata, præſtant ſtructuram.</s>
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