Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

Table of contents

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[51.] Remarks.
[52.] Corollary.
[53.] Problem II.
[54.] Remark.
[55.] Problem III.
[56.] Method. II.
[57.] Problem IV.
[58.] Example I.
[59.] Example II.
[60.] Remarks.
[61.] Example III. 48. To throw a circle into Perſpective.
[62.] Remarks.
[63.] Prob. V. 50. To find the Repreſentation of a Point, elevated above the Geometrical Planc.
[64.] Operation.
[65.] Demonstration.
[66.] Prob. VI. 52. To throm a Pyramid, or Cone, into Perſpective.
[67.] 53. To determine the viſible Part of the Baſe of a Cone.
[68.] Operation.
[69.] Demonstration.
[70.] Remarks.
[71.] Problem VII. 55. To find the Perſpective of a Line, perpendicular to the Geometrical Plane.
[72.] Operation.
[73.] Demonstration.
[74.] Method II.
[75.] Demonstration.
[76.] Method III.
[77.] Operation, Without Compaſſes.
[78.] Demonstration.
[79.] Scholium.
[80.] Corollary.
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7334An ESSAY the Circular Baſe of the Cone will be deter-
To prove this, draw the Lines B C and L F, cut-
ting the Line A S in the Points N and M;
and make
the Line G n equal to A N, and draw the Line
n D m.
It is now manifeſt, that if the Cone be
continued out above its Vertex, (that is, if the oppo-
ſite Cone be form’d) it will cut the Horizontal Plane
in a Circle equal to B E C, whoſe Seat will be BEC:
So that the Point S, in reſpect of B E C, is in the
ſame Situation as the Eye hath, with reſpect to the
Circle form’d in the Horizontal Plane, by the Conti-
nuation of the Cone.
Whence it follows, that B C
is the Seat of the viſible Portion of that Circle.
by Conſtruction, B and C are the Points of Contact
of the Tangents to the Circle B E C, which paſs
thro’ the Point S;
becauſe the Angle ABS, which
is in a Semicircle, is a right one.
Now, if a Plane be conceiv’d, as paſſing thro’ ſome
Points in the Horizontal Plane, whoſe Seats are
B and C, and which cuts the two oppoſite Cones
thro’ their Vertex;
it is evident, that this Plane
continued, will cut the Geometrical Plane in a Line
parallel to B N C;
and that this Line upon the
ſaid Plane, will determine the viſible Part of the
Cone’s Baſe.
So, ſince G n was made equal to
A N, we have only to prove, that P m is equal to
A M:
For, it follows from thence, that L M F is
the Common Section of the Geometrical Plane, and
the Plane which we have here imagin’d.
The Triangles D Q P and G H D are ſimilar, whence
D G:
D P: : G H: P Q.

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