Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

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7536An ESSAY
The Reaſon of this is evident, from the Demon-
ſtration of the upright Cone:
For, it is manifeſt, that
X is the Seat of the Center of the Circle, which the
Cone continued forms in the Horizontal Plane;
conſequently, the Point s, in regard to the Circle BED,
is in the ſame Situation as the Eye is, in reſpect of
the Interſection of the continued Cone, and the Hori-
zontal Plane.
Note, moreover, that a Cone can ſcarcely ever
be thrown into Perſpective, by the common Me-
thod, ſo exact as by this.
Problem VII.
55. To find the Perſpective of a Line, perpendicular
to the Geometrical Plane.
It is requir’d to find the Appearance of a Line
11Fig. 22. equal to B C, and perpendicular to the Geome-
trical Plane, in the Point A.
Aſſume E D, any where in the Baſe Line,
equal to B C;
and from the Points D and E,
draw D F and E F to ſome Point F, taken at
pleaſure in the Horizontal Line.
Then having
found a, the Repreſentation of the Point A;
2222. draw a H parallel to the Baſe Line, and aI per-
pendicular thereto:
And if aI be made equal to
G H, the ſaid a I will be the Perſpective
56. The Appearance of the ſaid Line, is 336. pendicular to the Baſe Line, and equal to 4410. Perſpective of the Line A L, drawn from

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