Vitruvius, Vitrvvivs Itervm Et Frontinvs À Iocvndo Revisi Repvrgatiqve Qvantvm Ex Collatione Licvit, 1513

Table of handwritten notes

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7934SECVNDVS. finitio, ſub ſiniſtra ſecretus ſub montibus latens por-
tus, ita, ut nemo poſſit ꝗd in eo geratur aſpicere nec
utrex ipſe de ſua domo remigibus & militibus
ſine ullo ſciente quæ opus eſſent imperaret.
24[Figure 24]a domus
b portus
c fons
d ueneris
e portus
f forum
g leum
h platea
i Mercuria b c d e f g h i
Itaq́ poſt mortem Mauſoli Arthemiſia uxore eius
regnante, Rhodii indignãtes mulierem imperare ci-
uitatibus Cariæ totius, armata claſſe profecti ſunt,
ut id regnum occuparent.
Tum Arthemiſiæ cum eẽt
id renunciatum, in eo portu abſtruſam claſſem cela-
tis remigibus &
epibatis comparatis, reliques autem
3333[Handwritten note 33] ciues in muro eſſe iu ſſit, Cum autem Rhodii ornatã
claſſem in portum maiorem expoſuiſſent, plauſum
iuſſit ab muro his darent, polliceri\’q́ ſe oppidum tr

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