Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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8The Epiſtle to the Reader.
2. To remember that I promiſe only pro-
bable Arguments for the Proof of this Opini-
on, and therefore you muſt not look that every
Conſequence ſhould be of an undeniable De-
pendance, or that the Truth of each Argu-
ment ſhould be Meaſured by its Neceſſity.
grant, that ſome Aſtronomical Appearances
may poſſibly be ſolved otherwiſe than here
they are.
But the thing I aim at is this,
that probably they may be ſo Solved, as I
have here ſet them down:
Which, if it be
granted ( as I think it muſt) then I doubt
not, but the indifferent Reader will find
ſome Satisfaction in the main thing that is
to be Proved.
Many Ancient Philoſophers of the better
Note, have formerly defended this Aſſertion,
which I have here laid down;
and it were
to be wiſhed, that ſome of us would more ap-
ply our Endeavors unto the Examination of
theſe Old Opinions, which though they have
for a long time lain neglected by others, yet
in them may you find many Truths well wor-
thy your Pains and Obſervation.
’Tis a
falſe Conceit for us to think, that amongſt the
Ancient Variety and ſearch of Opinions, the beſt
hath ſtill prevailed.
Time (ſaith the Lear-
ned Verulam) ſeems to be of the Nature of
a River or Stream, which carrieth down to
us that which is Light or blown up, but

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