Huygens, Christiaan, Christiani Hugenii opera varia; Bd. 2: Opera geometrica. Opera astronomica. Varia de optica

Table of figures

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[41] Fig. 2.D B G H C E F
[42] Fig. 4.E C G A F B D
[43] Fig. 3.E C D F G H I
[44] Fig. 5.B F R C P L M O
[45] Fig. 6.Y S H E K B C G F R A L D N P M Z X V T
[46] Fig. 7.G F D M L E A K C B H
[47] Pag. 386.TAB. XL.Fig. 2.K B H F G E A I D L C
[48] Fig. 1.L K E D H C A G B
[49] Fig. 3.B Q N L M F G S H K A D C P
[50] Fig. 4.B G R A C D E H F
[51] Fig. 6.A C D M B
[52] Fig. 5.A E N F B L D M C G H I K O
[Figure 53]
[Figure 54]
[55] Pag. 398.TAB. XLI.Fig. 1.S T B R K H Q C N O M A E L D
[56] Fig. 2.D E F B G H C A
[57] Fig. 3.F D E G A B C
[58] Fig. 4.G N B H D K A E C F
[59] Fig. 8K A F c C E B h H G D d
[60] Fig. 6.C E D A F B R Q
[61] Fig. 5.G L B H D O A E C K
[62] Fig. 7.K F A C D B E H G
[63] Pag. 404.TAB. XLII.Fig. 1.K F M A C D B L E N G
[64] Fig. 3.G R D B H F E N A X C M P Q K
[65] Fig. 2.K A F c S C L E B T G D R d
[66] Fig. 4.K e G P E m B D f R F S H M C A N L Q n
[67] Fig. 5.B C R E G A F M Q D O
[68] Fig. 6.B C H G E A M Q P K D
[69] Fig. 7.B C E G A M P Q K H D
[Figure 70]
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