Clavius, Christoph, In Sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco commentarius

Table of Notes

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          <pb o="158" file="194" n="195" rhead="Comment. in I. Cap. Sphæræ"/>
          <note position="left" xml:space="preserve">Ophiu chus</note>
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          # ## FORMÆ STELLARVM ## Longit. ## Latit. ## Magni- \\ tudo.
          # # # G. # M. # # G. # M.
          # ########## Omnes ſtellæ 14. Primæ magnit. 1. Secundæ 1. Tertiæ 2. Quartæ 7. \\ Quintæ 2. Sextæ 1.
          # ########## OPHIVCHVS, SEV SERPENTARIVS.
          # ########## Conſtellatio XIII. # 1 # In capite # 228 # 10 # 36 # 0 # 3 # 2 # In dextro humero duarum præcedens # 231 # 20 # 27 # 15 # 4 # 3 # Sequens # 232 # 20 # 26 # 45 # 4 # 4 # In ſiniſtro humero duarum præcedens # 216 # 40 # 33 # 0 # 4 # 5 # Quæ ſequitur # 218 # 0 # 31 # 50 # 4 * # 6 # In ancone ſiniſtro # 211 # 40 # 24 # 30 # 4 # 7 # In ſiniſtra manu duarum præcedens # 208 # 20 # 17 # 0 # 4 * # 8 # Sequens # 209 # 20 # 16 # 30 # 3 * # 9 # In dextro ancone # 230 # 0 # 15 # 0 # 4 * # 10 # In dextra manu præcedens # 235 # 40 # 13 # 40 # 4 * # 11 # Sequens # 236 # 40 # 14 # 20 # 4 * # 12 # In dextro genu # 224 # 30 # 7 # 30 # 3 # 13 # In dextra tibia # 227 # 0 # 2 # 15 # 3 # 14 # In pede dextro ex quatuor præcedens # 226 # 20 # 2 # 15 # 4 # Auſt. # 15 # Sequens # 227 # 40 # 1 # 30 # 4 # Auſt. # 16 # Tertia ſequens # 228 # 20 # 0 # 20 # 4 # Auſt. * # 17 # Reliqua ſequens # 229 # 10 # 0 # 45 # 5 # Auſt. # 18 # Quæ calcaneum contingit # 229 # 30 # 1 # 0 # 5 # Auſt. # 19 # In ſiniſtro genu # 215 # 30 # 11 # 50 # 3 # Bor. # 20 # In crure ſiniſtro trium ad rectã lineam Borealior # 215 # 0 # 5 # 20 # 5 # Bor. # 21 # Media earum # 214 # 0 # 3 # 10 # 5 # Bor. # 22 # Auſtralior trium # 213 # 10 # 1 # 40 # 5 # Bor. # 23 # In ſiniſtro calcaneo # 215 # 40 # 0 # 40 # 5 # Bor. # 24 # Plantam ſiniſtri pedis attingens # 214 # 0 # 0 # 45 # 4 # Auſt. # ######## Omnes ſtellæ 24. Tertiæ magnit. 5. Quartæ 13. \\ Quintæ 6. # ######## INFORMES CIRCA OPHIVCHVM. # 1 # Ab ortu in dextrum humerũ maxime Borea trium # 235 # 20 # 28 # 10 # 4 # 2 # Media trium # 236 # 0 # 26 # 20 # 4 # 3 # Auſtralis trium # 233 # 40 # 25 # 0 # 4 # 4 # Adhuc ſequens tres # 237 # 0 # 27 # 0 # 4 # 5 # Separata a quatuor in Septentriones # 238 # 0 # 33 # 0 # 4 # ######## Omnes ſtellæ 5. magnitudinis Quartæ.</note>
          <note position="left" xml:space="preserve">Serpens
          <note position="left" xml:space="preserve"> # ######## SERPENS OPHIVCHI. # ######## Conſtellatio XIIII. # 1 # In quadrilatero quæ in gena # 192 # 10 # 38 # 0 # 4 # 2 # Quæ nares attingit # 295 # 0 # 40 # 0 # 4</note>