Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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              <s>A While after we let down into
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              the Receiver together with a ligh­
              ted piece of Match, a great Bladder well
              tyed at the Neck, but very lank, as not
              containing actually much (if any thing) a­
              bove a Pint of Air, but being capable of
              containing ten or twelve times as much. </s>
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            <p type="main">
              <s>Our ſcope in this Experiment was
              partly to try whether or no the ſmoke of
              the Match, repleniſhing the Receiver,
              would be able to hinder the Dilatation of
              the inward Air, upon the exſuction of the
              Ambient. </s>
              <s>And partly to diſcover whe­
              ther the extinction of the Fire in the
              Match did proceed from want of Air, or
              barely from the preſſure of its own
              Fumes, which for want of room to ex­
              pand themſelves in, might be ſuppoſ'd
              to Recoyl upon the Fire, and ſo to
              ſtifle it. </s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>The event of our tryal was, That
              at the beginning of our Pumping the
              Match appear'd well lighted, though
              it had almoſt fill'd the Receiver with
              its plentiful Fumes: But by degrees it
              burnt more and more dimly, notwith­
              ſtanding that by the nimble drawing </s>