Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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              (for ought we could diſcern) as it would
              have otherwiſe done: So that before the
              Fire or the Match was quite extinct, the
              Bladder appear'd ſwell'd at leaſt to ſix or
              ſeven times its former capacity. </s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>Since the writing of theſe laſt Lines,
              we took a ſmall Receiver, capable of
              containing (by gueſs) about a pound and
              a half of Water; and in the midſt of it
              we ſuſpended a lighted Match, but though
              within one minute of an hour (or there­
              abouts) from the putting in of the Match,
              we had cemented on the Cover, yet we
              could not make ſuch haſte, but that before
              we began to pump, the Smoke had ſo
              fill'd that ſmall Receiver, as for ought we
              diſcern'd, to choke the Fire. </s>
              <s>And having
              again and again reiterated the Experi­
              ment, it ſeem'd ſtill as at firſt, that we
              could not cloſe up the Veſſel and pump
              out all the Fumes time enough to reſcue
              the Fire from Extinction; whereupon we
              made uſe of this Expedient. </s>
              <s>Aſſoon as
              we had pump'd once or twice, we ſudden­
              ly turn'd the Key, and thereby gave acceſs
              to the excluded Air, which ruſhing vio­
              lently in, as if it had been forced thorow
              a pair of Bellows, did both drive away
              the aſhes, fill the Glaſs with freſh Air, and </s>