Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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1I could not pierce into the cavity of the
Receiver) that we could not poſſibly u­
nite enough of them to kindle the matter,
nor ſo much as to make it ſenſibly ſmoke.
Yet we hope that the ſeeing whether Bo­
dies (other then Gun-powder) may be
kindled, and what would happen to them
when ſet on fire, in a place in great mea­
ſure devoid of Air, may prove ſo Lucife­
rous an Experiment, that when the Sea­
ſon is more favorable we ſhall, God per­
mitting, make further tryal of it, and ac­
quaint Your Lordſhip with the Event, if
it prove proſperous.
In the mean time
we ſhall paſs on to other Experiments,
aſſoon as we have advertiſ'd Your Lord­
ſhip that we have forborn to make ſuch
Reflections upon the ſeveral Experiments
we have ſet down concerning Fire, as the
matter would have eaſily enough afford­
ed, and Your Lordſhip may perhaps have
But I made the leſs ſcruple to
forbear the annexing of Speculations to
theſe Recitals, becauſe Carneades & Eleu­
therius have in ſome Dialogues concern­
ing Heat and Flame, which were laſt year
ſeen by ſome Friends, and may be, when
you pleaſe, commanded by You, men-

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