Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1Needle again; the Water (but in a very
ſlender Stream) was ſuddenly thrown af­
ter it into the Air, to the height of two
or three Feet.
As for the other Phænome­
na of this Experiment, ſince they belong
not to our preſent purpoſe, and are partly
mention'd in another of our Papers, we
ſhall, inſtead of recording them here, give
this Advertiſement: That as evidently
as this Experiment, and that made in our
Receiver, ſeem to prove a power in the
Water to expand and reſtore it ſelf after
compreſſion; yet for a reaſon to be met
with ere long, I judged it not ſafe to in­
fer that Concluſion from theſe Premiſes,
till I had made ſome of the following try­
als, to the mention of which I will there­
fore haſten.
TO diſcover whether the Expanſion

of the Water really proceeded
from an Elaſtical power in the parts of
the Water it ſelf, we thought it requiſite
to try two things: The one, Whether or no
the Atmoſphere gravitates upon Bodies
under Water; and the other, Whether
in caſe it do gravitate, the Intumeſcence
of the Water may not be aſcribed to ſome

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