Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1power in the Water, it may be ſaid that
the ſwelling of the compreſſ'd Water in
the Pewter Veſſel lately mention'd, and
the ſpringing up of the Water at the hole
made by the Needle, were not the effects
of any internal Elater of the Water, but
of the ſpring of the many little particles
of Air diſperſ'd through that Water, and
acting upon it in their ſudden recovering
themſelves to a greater extent, then that
to which a violent compreſſion had re­
duc'd them.
But though, from all theſe particulars,
it ſeems manifeſt that the bubbles we have
been all this while treating of, were pro­
duc'd by ſuch a ſubſtance as may be pro­
perly enough call'd Air; yet till we ſhall
have had the opportunity of making
ſome further tryals concerning the nature
of the Air, we ſhall not reſolutely deter­
mine whether or no Air be a Primogenial
Body (if I may ſo ſpeak) that cannot
now be generated or turn'd either into
Water or any other Body.
Yet in the
mean while (becauſe it is an important
Queſtion, and if rightly determin'd, may
much conduce to the knowledge of the

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