Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1that the included ſubſtance might not get
Then ſlipping it off from the Æo­
lipile we convey'd it into our Receiver, to
try whether or no that which in part di­
ſtended the Bladder would appear by its
Spring to be true Air: whereby we found
that upon the exſuction of the ambient
Air, the included ſubſtance expanded it
ſelf and the Bladder to a very much great­
er bulk then it was of before.
And for
further ſatisfaction, having again taken
out the Bladder, we ſuffer'd it to remain
ty'd up till next morning, to try whether
time, and the coldneſs of the night, would
make the contain'd ſubſtance relapſe in­
to Water: But the next Morning we
found it little leſs tumid then before.
remember, I ſay, that I once made this
Experiment; but I might ſay in anſwer
to it, that the chief reaſon of my men­
tioning it, is, To let Your Lordſhip ſee
how requiſite it is to be circumſpect and
conſiderate, when we are to make and to
build upon nice Experiments.
For though
I may ſeem to have uſed ſufficient cauti­
on, yet afterward conſidering with my
ſelf that the Æolipile I had imploy'd was
a very large one, and that it required much
more care then one that has not try'd it

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