Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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              cable, each of which would exerciſe our
              Underſtandings, if not poſe them too, if
              we would but attentively enough conſider
              it, and not ſuperficially contemplate, but
              attempt ſatisfactorily to explicate the na­
              ture of it. </s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SInce the writing of the twenty one and
                < n="marg30"/>
              twenty ſecond Experiments (and not­
              withſtanding all that hath been on their
              occaſion deliver'd concerning bubbles) we
              made ſome further tryals in proſecution
              of the ſame inquiry whereto they were
              deſigned. </s>
            <p type="margin">
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                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
            <p type="main">
              <s>We choſe then, amongſt thoſe Glaſſes
              which Chymiſts are wont to call Philoſo­
              phical Eggs, one that containing about
              nine Ounces of Water, had a Neck of
              half an Inch in Diameter at the top, and
              as we gheſt, almoſt an Inch at the bot­
              tom; which breadth we pitch'd upon for
              a reaſon that will by and by appear: then
              filling it with common Water to the
              height of about a Foot and a half, ſo
              that the upper part remain'd empty, we
              ſhut it into the Receiver, and watch'd what
              would follow upon pumping, which pro-</s>