Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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              imaginable how this
                <emph type="italics"/>
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              proceed from any miſtake in trying
              the Experiment, yet the ſtrangeneſſe
              of it invited me to repeat it with freſh
              Spirit of Wine; which, ſwelling in the
              Neck as formerly, I left all Night in
              the Receiver, allowing free acceſs to the
              external Air at the Stop-cock, and the
              next day found it ſtill expanded as be­
              fore, ſave that it ſeem'd a little lower:
              which decrement perhaps proceeded from
              the avolation of ſome of the fugitive
              parts of ſo volatile a Liquor. </s>
              <s>And for
              better ſatisfaction having taken out the
              Glaſs, and conſider'd it in the open Air,
              and at a Window, I could not finde that
              there was any remaining Bubbles that
              could occaſion the perſevering and ad­
              mir'd expanſion. </s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>BEing deſirous to diſcover what diffe­
                < n="marg32"/>
              rence there might be as to gravity and
              levity, between Air expanded under Wa­
              ter, and it ſelfe before ſuch expanſion; we
              took two very ſmall Viols, ſuch as Chy­
              mical Eſſences (as they call them) are wont
              to be kept in, and of the ſize and ſhape ex­
              preſſed by the 8
                <emph type="sup"/>
                <emph.end type="sup"/>
              Figure: into one of theſe </s>