Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
page |< < of 862 > >|
1ſmoke, which ſeem'd to move freely up
and down, and upon the letting in the Air
at the Stop-cock began to circulate much
faſter then before.
We wonld have made
more obſervations concerning this Flame,
but that of two or three attempts we
afterwards made to repeat the kindling of
Powder, not any one ſucceeded; and
we have not the leaſure to dwell long up­
on one kinde of Tryals.
TO theſe Experiments concerning Fire

we added another, which, though it ſuc­
ceded not, may perhaps without imper­
tinency be recorded: partly becauſe that
(as we have in another Treatiſe amply de­
clar'd) it is uſefull to recite what Experi­
ments miſcarry as well as what ſucceed.
And partly alſo becauſe it is very poſſible
that what we endeavored in vaine, may be
performed by Your Lordſhip, or ſome
other Virtuoſo that ſhall have ſlancker
Veſſells then we had, and more Sunny
dayes then the preſent Winter allows
ment 15.
We convey'd then into one of our ſmall
Receivers a piece of matter combuſtible,
dry and black (experience declaring things

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