Monantheuil, Henri de, Aristotelis Mechanica, 1599

Table of figures

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[Figure 1]
[Figure 2]
[Figure 3]
[Figure 4]
[Figure 5]
[Figure 6]
[Figure 7]
[Figure 8]
[Figure 9]
[Figure 10]
[Figure 11]
[Figure 12]
[Figure 13]
[Figure 14]
[Figure 15]
[Figure 16]
[Figure 17]
[Figure 18]
[Figure 19]
[Figure 20]
[Figure 21]
[Figure 22]
[Figure 23]
[Figure 24]
[Figure 25]
[Figure 26]
[Figure 27]
[Figure 28]
[Figure 29]
[Figure 30]
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5. *dia\ ti/ oi( meso/neoi ma/lista
th\n nau=n kinou=si.
5. Cur nauim mouent ma­
xime remiges, qui in
media naui ſedent.
*dia\ ti/ oi( meso/neoi ma/lista th\n nau=n kinou=sin; h)\ dio/ti
h( kw/ph moxlo/s e)stin, u(pomo/xlion me\n ga\r o( skalmo\s gi/netai.

me/nei ga\r dh\ ou(=tos.
to\ de\ ba/ros h( qa/latta, h(\n
a)pwqei= h( kw/ph.
o( de\ kinw=n to\n moxlo\n o( nau/ths e)sti/n.
a)ei\ de\ ple/on ba/ros kinei=, o(/sw| a)\n ple/on a)festh/kh| tou= u(pomoxli/ou
o( kinw=n to\ ba/ros.
mei/zwn ga\r ou(/tw gi/netai h( e)k
tou= ke/ntrou.
o( de\ skalmo\s u(pomo/xlion w)\n ke/ntron e)sti/n. e)n
me/sh| de\ th=| nhi\, plei=ston th=s kw/phs e)nto/s e)sti.
kai\ ga\r h(
nau=s tau/th| eu)ruta/th e)sti/n.
w(/ste plei=on e)p' a)mfo/tera e)nde/xesqai
me/ros th=s kw/phs e(kate/rou toi/xou e)nto\s ei)=nai th=s
kinei=tai me\n ou)=n h( nau=s, dia\ to\ a)pereidome/nhs th=s kw/phs
ei)s th\n qa/lassan, to\ a)/kron th=s kw/phs to\ e)nto\s proi+e/nai
ei)s to\ pro/sqen: th\n de\ nau=n prosdedeme/nhn tw=| skalmw=| sumproi+e/nai,
h(=| to\ a)/kron th=s kw/phs.
h(=| ga\r plei/sthn qa/lassan
diairei= h( kw/ph, tau/th| a)na/gkh ma/lista prowqei=sqai.
de\ diairei=, h(=| plei=ston me/ros a)po\ tou= skalmou= th=s kw/phs
dia\ tou=to oi( meso/neoi ma/lista kinou=sin: me/giston ga\r
e)n me/sh| nhi\+, to\ a)po\ tou= skalmou= th=s kw/phs to\ e)nto/s e)stin.
Cur nauim mouent maxi­
me remiges mediani?
An qa
remus eſt vectis, preſſio ſi­
ſcalmus efficitur.
enim manet.
pondus autem
mare, quod remus propellit:
vectem vero mouens eſt nau­
Sed ſemper plus ponderis
mouet, quanto plus motor
diſtiterit à preſſione.
enim maior fit radius, &
ſcalmus preſſio exiſtens cen­
In nauis autem medio
plurimum remi intus eſt.
nim nauis ea parte latiſſima
exiſtit: ideo vtrinque remi
partem maiorem intus in
vtro que latere nauis contin­
Itaque mouetur na­
uis, quia dum remus inni­
titur mari, extremum remi,
quod intus eſt antrorſum
procedit: Tum que nauim
ſcalmo alligatam procedere
neceſſe eſt eò, vbi eſt extre­
Vbi enim remus
plurimum maris diuidit, eò
maxime neceſſe eſt impel­
Ibi autem plurimum diuidit,
vbi maxima pars remi à
ſcalmo eſt.
Propter id ma­
ximè mouent.
enim remi pars à ſcalmo intus eſt in medio nauis.

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