Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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10268Natural Hiſtory; vered) draweth with it the groſſer parts of the Liquor: And laſtly, by Perco-
lation or Paſſage.
Secondly, For the even Diſtribution of the Spirits, it is wrought by
11303. gentle heat, and by Agitation of Motion;
(for of Time we ſpeak not, be-
cauſe it is that we would anticipate and repreſent:)
And it is wrought alſo,
by mixture of ſome other Body, which hath a vertue to open the Liquor, and
to make the Spirits the better paſs thorow.
Thirdly, For the refining of the Spirit, it is wrought likewiſe by Heat,
22304. by motion, and by mixture of ſome Body which hath vertue to attenuate.
So therefore (having ſhewed the cauſes) for the accelerating of Clarification
in general, and the enducing of it;
take theſe Inſtances and Tryals.
It is in common practice, to draw Wine or Beer, from the Lees, (which
33305. we call Racking) whereby it will clarifie much the ſooner:
For the Lees,
though they keep the drink in heart, and make it laſting;
yet withal
they caſt up ſome ſpiſſitude;
and this Inſtance is to be referred to Separa-
On the otherſide, it were good to try, what, the adding to the Liquor,
44306. more Lees than his own, will work;
for though the Lees do make the Liquor
turbide, yet they refine the Spirits.
Take therefore a Veſſel of new Beer, and
take another Veſſel of new Beer, and rack the one Veſſel from the Lees, and
pour the Lees of theracked Veſſel into the unracked Veſſel, and ſee the effect.
This Inſtance is referred to the Refining of the Spirits.
Take new Beer, and put in ſome quantity of ſtale Beer into it, and ſee
55307. whether it will not accelerate the Clarification, by opening the Body of the
Beer, and cutting the groſſer parts, whereby they may fall down into Lees.
And this Inſtance again is referred to Separation.
The longer Molt or Herbs, or the like, are infuſed in Liquor, the more
66308. thick and troubled the Liquor is;
but the longer they be decocted in the Liquor,
the clearer it is.
The reaſon is plain, becauſe in Infuſion, the longer it is, the
greater is the part of the groſs Body that goeth into the Liquor:
But in De-
coction, though more goeth forth, yet it either purgeth at the top, or ſettleth
at the bottom.
And therefore the moſt exact way to clarifie is, firſt, to In-
ſuſe, and then to take off the Liquor and decoct it;
as they do in Beer, which
hath Molt firſt infuſed in the Liquor, and is afterwards boiled with the Hop.
This alſo is referred to Separation.
Take hot Embers, and put them about a Bottle filled with new Beer, al-
77309. moſt to the very neck;
let the Bottle be well ſtopped, leſt it flie out: And
continue it, renewing the Embers every day by the ſpace of ten days, and then
compare it with another Bottle of the ſame Beer ſet by.
Take alſo Lime,
both quenched and unquenched, and ſet the Bottles in them ut ſuprà.
Inſtance is referred, both to the even Diſtribution, and alſo to the Refining
of the Spirits by Heat.
Take Bottles and ſwing them, or carry them in a Wheel-Barrow upon
88310. rough Ground, twice in a day:
But then you may not fill the Bottles full,
but leave ſome Air;
for if the Liquor come cloſe to the ſtopple, it cannot
play nor flower:
And when you have ſhaken them well either way, pour
the Drink in another Bottle, ſtopped cloſe after the uſual manner;
for if it
ſtay with much Air in it, the Drink will pall, neither will it ſettle ſo per-
fectly in all the parts.
Let it ſtand ſome Twenty four hours, then take it, and
put it again into a Bottle with Air, ut ſuprà;
and thence into a Bottle ſtopped,
ut ſuprà;
and ſo repeat the ſame operation for ſeven days. Note, that in the
emptying of one Bottle into another, you muſt do it ſwiftly, leſt the

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