Vitruvius, Vitrvvivs Itervm Et Frontinvs À Iocvndo Revisi Repvrgatiqve Qvantvm Ex Collatione Licvit, 1513

Table of handwritten notes

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104LIBER35[Figure 35]b. Interœ
lũnia qui
bus dua-
rũ colũna
rũ craſſi
tudo inter
poſita eſt
Hœc utraq́ genera uitioſum habent uſum, Matres
enim familiarum cum ad ſupplicationem gradibus
aſœndunt, non poſſunt per inter columnia amplexœ
adire, niſi ordines feœrint.
Item ualuarum aſpectus
ebſtruitur columnarum crebritate, ipſaq́ figna ob-
Item circa œdem propter anguſtias impedi
untur ambulationes.
Diaſtyli autem hœc erit compo
ſitio, cum trium columnarumcraſſitudinem intercolũ
nio interpõere poſſumus, tanꝗ eſt Apollinis &
nœ œdis.
Hœc diſpoſitio hanc habet difficultatem, ꝓ
epiſtylia propter interuallorum magnitudinem fran

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