Castelli, Benedetto, Of the mensuration of running waters, 1661

Table of figures

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            <p type="head">
              Upon the
              OF THE
              Pontine Fenns.
            <p type="head">
              <s>D. BENEDETTO CASTELLI, Abbot
              of S. BENEDETTO ALOISIO, and Profeſſor
              of the
                <emph type="italics"/>
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              to P.
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              VIII. in the
              Univerſity of
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            <p type="main">
              <s>Amongſt the enterprizes by me eſteemed, if not ab­
              ſolutely impoſſible, , at leaſt exceeding difficult,
              one was that famous one of Draining the
                <emph type="italics"/>
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              ; and therefore I was thorowly reſolved
              never to apply my minde thereunto, although
              by my Patrons I ſhould be commanded to the
              ſame: accounting that it was an occaſion rather of loſing repu­
              tation by the miſcarriage of the attempt, than of gaining fame by
              reducing things to a better paſs then they now are at. </s>
              <s>Yet never­
              theleſs, having of late years obſerved the place, and ſailed through
              thoſe Chanels, and thoſe Waters; after I had made ſome reflection
              thereupon, I thought that the enterprize was not ſo difficult as
              I had at firſt conceited it to be; and I am the more confirmed in
              this opinion, upon the inducement of that which I have written </s>