Heron <Alexandrinus>, Heronis Alexandrini spiritalium liber

Table of figures

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[Figure 41]
[Figure 42]
[Figure 43]
[Figure 44]
[Figure 45]
[Figure 46]
[Figure 47]
[Figure 48]
[Figure 49]
[Figure 50]
[Figure 51]
[Figure 52]
[Figure 53]
[Figure 54]
[Figure 55]
[Figure 56]
[Figure 57]
[Figure 58]
[Figure 59]
[Figure 60]
[Figure 61]
[Figure 62]
[Figure 63]
[Figure 64]
[Figure 65]
[Figure 66]
[Figure 67]
[Figure 68]
[Figure 69]
[Figure 70]
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          <head xml:id="echoid-head92" xml:space="preserve">QUATUOR</head>
          <head xml:id="echoid-head93" xml:space="preserve">THEOREMATA</head>
          <head xml:id="echoid-head94" xml:space="preserve">Adjuncta</head>
          <head xml:id="echoid-head95" xml:space="preserve">SPIRITALIBUS
          <head xml:id="echoid-head96" xml:space="preserve">Per</head>
          <head xml:id="echoid-head97" xml:space="preserve">M.
            <emph style="sc">Joannem</emph>
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            <emph style="sc">Aleottum.</emph>
          <head xml:id="echoid-head98" xml:space="preserve">Et</head>
          <head xml:id="echoid-head99" xml:space="preserve">Conſtructio modi, quo artificialiter repræſentatur ca-
          nalis aquæ vivæ aquam ejaculans uſque in verticem
          cujuscunque altæ turris, ſumma facilitate.</head>
          <head xml:id="echoid-head100" xml:space="preserve">Ex Italice in Latinum conutrſa.</head>