Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

Table of figures

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[Figure 261]
[Figure 262]
[Figure 263]
[Figure 264]
[Figure 265]
[Figure 266]
[Figure 267]
[Figure 268]
[Figure 269]
[Figure 270]
[Figure 271]
[Figure 272]
[Figure 273]
[Figure 274]
[Figure 275]
[Figure 276]
[Figure 277]
[Figure 278]
[Figure 279]
[Figure 280]
[Figure 281]
[Figure 282]
[Figure 283]
[Figure 284]
[Figure 285]
[Figure 286]
[Figure 287]
[Figure 288]
[Figure 289]
[Figure 290]
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1to M D, as C Q to Q A: But L B is to B D, by 5 of Archimedes, before recited, as C D
to D A: It is manifeſt therefore, by the precedent Lemma, that C D is to D Q, as L B is to
B M: But as C D is to D Q, ſo is C M to M P: Therefore L B is to B M, as C M to M P:

And it haveing been demonſtrated, that C M is to M P, as C E to E A; L B ſhall be to B M,
as C E to E A.
And in like manner it ſhall be demonstrated that ſo is N O to O F; as alſo the
And that alſo H K is to K E, as C E to E A, doth plainly appeare by the ſame
5. of Archimedes: Which is that that we propounded to be demonſtrated.
(a) By 4. of the
(b) By 11 of the
(c) By 14 of the
By 2. of the ſixth
And, therefore, let the things ſtand as above; and deſcribe
yet another like Portion, contained betwixt a Right Line, and
the Section of the Rightangled Cone D R C, whoſe Diameter
is R S, that it may cut the Line F G in T; and prolong S R
unto the Line C H in V, which meeteth the Section A B C in
X, and E F C in Y.
I ſay, that B M hath to M D, a propor­
tion compounded of the proportion that E A hath to A C;
and of that which C D hath to D E.
For, we ſhall firſt demonſtrate, that the Line C H toucheth the Section D R C in the
Point C; and that L M is to M D, as alſo N F to F T, and V Y to Y R, as C D is to E D.
And, becauſe now that L B is to B M, as C E is to E A; therefore, Compounding and Conver­
ting, B M ſhall be to L M, as E A to A C: And, as L M is to M D, ſo ſhall C D be to
D E: The proportion, therefore, of B M to M D, is compounded of the proportion that
B M hath to L M, and of the proportion that L M hath to M D: Therefore, the proportion
of B M to M D, ſhall alſo be compounded of the proportion that E A hath to A C, and of
that which C D hath to D E.
In the ſame manner it ſhal be demonſtrated, that O F hath to
F T, and alſo X Y to Y R, a proportion compounded of thoſe ſame proportions; and ſo in
the reſt: Which was to be demonstrated.
By which it appeareth that the Lines ſo drawn; which fall betwixt
the Sections A B C and D R C, ſhall be divided by the Section E F C
in the ſame Proportion.
And C B is to B D, as ſix to fifteen.] For we have ſuppoſed that B K is

double of K D: Wherefore, by Compoſition B D ſhall be to K D as three to one; that is, as
fifteen to five: But B D was to K C as fifteen to four; Therefore B D is to D C as fifteen to nine:
And, by Converſion of proportion and Convert­
ing, C B is to B D, as ſix to ſifteen.
279[Figure 279]
And as C B is to B D, ſo is

E B to B A; and D Z to D A.]
For the Triangles C B E and D B A being
alike; As C B is to B E, ſo ſhall D B be to B A:
And, Permutando, as C B is to B D, ſo ſhall
E B be to B A: Againe, as B C is to C E ſo
ſhall B D be to D A, And, Permutando, as
C B is to B D, ſo ſhall C E, that is, D Z
equall to it, be to D A.
And of D Z and D A, L I and

L A are double.] That the Line L A is
double of D A, is manifeſt, for that B D is the Diameter of the Portion.
And that L I is
dovble to D Z ſhall be thus demonſtrated.
For as much as ZD is to D A, as two to five:
therefore, Converting and Dividing, A Z, that is, I Z, ſhall be to Z D, as three to two:

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