Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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            <p type="main">
                <pb xlink:href="040/01/1089.jpg" pagenum="399"/>
              but one Point only. </s>
              <s>For let it be de­
                <figure id="id.040.01.1089.1.jpg" xlink:href="040/01/1089/1.jpg" number="294"/>
              mitted into the Liquid, as hath been
              ſaid; and let it firſt be ſo inclined, as
              that its Baſe do not in the leaſt
              touch the Surface of the Liquid. </s>
              then it being cut thorow the Axis,
              by a Plane erect unto the Surface of
              the Liquid, let the Section of the
              Portion be A N Z G; that of the
              Liquids Surface E Z; the Axis of
              the Portion and Diameter of the
              Section B D; and let B D be cut in
              the Points K and R, as before; and
              draw N L parallel to E Z, and touching the Section A N Z G
              in N, and N S perpendicular to
                <figure id="id.040.01.1089.2.jpg" xlink:href="040/01/1089/2.jpg" number="295"/>
              B D. Now, ſeeing that the Por­
              tion is in Gravity unto the Liquid,
              as the Square made of the Line
              is to the Square B D;
                <foreign lang="grc">ψ</foreign>
              be equall to N T: Which is to
              be demonſtrated as above: And,
              therefore, N T is alſo equall to
              V I: The Portions, therefore,
              A V Q and E N Z are equall to
              one another. </s>
              <s>And, ſince that in
              the Equall and like Portions A V
              Q L and A N Z G, there are drawn A Q and E Z, cutting off
              equall Portions, that from the
                <figure id="id.040.01.1089.3.jpg" xlink:href="040/01/1089/3.jpg" number="296"/>
              Extremity of the Baſe, this not
              from the Extreme, that which is
              drawn from the Extremity of the
              Baſe, ſhall make the Acute Angle
              with the Diameter of the Portion
              leſſer: and in the Triangles N L S
              and V
                <foreign lang="grc">ω</foreign>
              C, the Angle at L is
              greater than the Angle at
                <foreign lang="grc">ω</foreign>
              Therefore, B S ſhall be leſſer
              than B C; and S R leſſer than
              C R: and, conſequently, N X
              greater than V H; and X T leſſer than H I. Seeing, therefore,
              that V Y is double to Y I; It is manifeſt, that N X is greater than
              double to X T. </s>
              <s>Let N M be double to M T: It is manifeſt, from what
              hath been ſaid, that the Portion ſhall not reſt, but will incline, untill
              that its Bafe do touch the Surface of the Liquid: and it toucheth it in
              one Point only, as appeareth in the Figure: And other things </s>