Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

Table of figures

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[Figure 291]
[Figure 292]
[Figure 293]
[Figure 294]
[Figure 295]
[Figure 296]
[Figure 297]
[Figure 298]
[Figure 299]
[Figure 300]
[Figure 301]
[Figure 302]
[Figure 303]
[Figure 304]
[Figure 305]
[Figure 306]
[Figure 307]
[Figure 308]
[Figure 309]
[Figure 310]
[Figure 311]
[Figure 312]
[Figure 313]
[Figure 314]
[Figure 315]
[Figure 316]
[Figure 317]
[Figure 318]
[Figure 319]
[Figure 320]
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            <p type="main">
                <pb xlink:href="040/01/1092.jpg" pagenum="402"/>
              make equall Angles; and that in the Triangles N F S and G
                <foreign lang="grc">ω</foreign>
              the Angles at F and
                <foreign lang="grc">ω</foreign>
              are equall; as alſo, that S B and B C, and
              S R and C R are equall to one another: And, therefore, N X and
              G Y are alſo equall; and X T and Y I. </s>
              <s>And ſince G H is double
              to H I, N X ſhall be leſſer than double of X T. </s>
              <s>Let N M therefore
              be double to M T; and drawing a Line from M to K, prolong it
              unto E. </s>
              <s>Now the Centre of Gravity of the whole ſhall be the
              Point K; of the part which is in the Liquid the Point M; and
              that of the part which is above the Liquid in the Line prolonged
              as ſuppoſe in E. Therefore, by what was even now demonſtrated
              it is manifeſt that the Portion ſhall not ſtay thus, but ſhall incline, ſo
              as that its Baſe do in no wiſe touch the Surface of the Liquid
              And that the Portion will ſtand, ſo, as to make an Angle with the
              Surface of the Liquid leſſer than
                <figure id="id.040.01.1092.1.jpg" xlink:href="040/01/1092/1.jpg" number="301"/>
              the Angle
                <foreign lang="grc">φ,</foreign>
              ſhall thus be demon
              ſtrated. </s>
              <s>Let it, if poſſible, ſtand,
              ſo, as that it do not make an Angle
              leſſer than the Angle
                <foreign lang="grc">φ;</foreign>
              and diſpoſe
              all things elſe in the ſame manner a
              before; as is done in the preſet
              Figure. </s>
              <s>We are to demonſtrat
              in the ſame method, that N T is e­
              quall to
                <foreign lang="grc">ψ;</foreign>
              and by the ſame reaſor
              equall alſo to G I. </s>
              <s>And ſince that in
              the Triangles P
                <foreign lang="grc">φ</foreign>
              C and N F S, the Angle F is not leſſer than the
                <foreign lang="grc">φ,</foreign>
              B F ſhall not be greater than B C: And, therefore, neither
              ſhall S R be leſſer than C R; nor N X than P Y: But ſince P F is
              greater than N T, let P F be Seſquialter of P Y: N T ſhall be leſſer
              than Seſquialter of N X: And, therefore, N X ſhall be greate
              than double of X T. </s>
              <s>Let N M be double of M T; and drawing
              Line from M to K prolong it. </s>
              <s>It is manifeſt, now, by what hath
              been ſaid, that the Portion ſhall not continue in this poſition, but ſhall
              turn about, ſo, as that its Axis do make an Angle with the Surface
              of the Liquid, leſſer than the Angle
                <foreign lang="grc">φ.</foreign>
            <p type="head">
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>