Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

Table of contents

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[Item 1.]
[2.] SYLVA SYLVARUM, OR, A Natural Hiſtory, IN TEN CENTURIES. Whereunto is newly added, The Hiſtory Natural and Experimental of LIFE and DEATH, or of the Prolongation of LIFE. Publiſhed after the Authors Death, By William Rawley, Doctorin Divinity, One of His Majeſties Chaplains. Whereunto is added Articles of Enquiry, touch-ing Metals and Minerals. And the New Atlantis. Written by the Right Honorable FRANCIS Lord Verulam, Viſcount St. Alban. The Ninth and Last Edition, With an Alphabetical Table of the Principal Things contained in the Ten Centuries.
[3.] LONDON: rinted by J. R. for William Lee, and are to be Sold by the Bookſellers of London. 1670.
[4.] TO THE MOST HIGH AND MIGHTY PRINCE CHARLES, By the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.
[7.] Century II.
[8.] Century III.
[9.] Century IV.
[10.] Century V.
[11.] Century VI.
[12.] Century VII.
[13.] Century VIII.
[14.] Century IX.
[15.] Century X.
[16.] THE LIFE OF THE RIGHT HONOURABLE FRANCIS BACON Baron of Verulam, Viſcount St. Alban. BY WILLIAM RAWLEY. D D. His Lordſhips firſt and laſt Chaplain, and of late his Majeſties Chaplain in Ordinary.
[17.] LONDON, Printed by S. G. & E. G. for William Lee, and are to be ſold at the ſign of the Turks-Head in Fleet ſtreet, over againſt Fetter-Lane, 1670.
[18.] THE LIFE OF THE Right Honourable FRANCIS BACON Baron of Verulam, Viſcount St. Alban.
[19.] Et quod tentabam ſcribere, Verſus erat,
[20.] NATURAL HISTORY. Century I.
[21.] NATURAL HISTORY. Century II.
[23.] Conſent of Viſibles and Audibles.
[24.] Diſſent of Viſibles and Audibles.
[25.] NATURAL HISTORY. Century IV.
[26.] NATURAL HISTORY Century V.
[27.] NATURAL HISTORY. Century VI.
[28.] --Teneriſque meos incidere Amores Arboribus, creſcent illæ, creſcetis Amores.
[29.] Grandia ſæpe quibus mandavimus Hordea Sulcis, Infœlix Lolium, & ſteriles dominatur Avenæ.
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11The TABLE.
Century I.
OF Straining or Percolation, Outward and Inward. Experiment 8. # page 1
of Motion upon Preſſure, Exp. 5 # pag. 2
of Separations of Bodies L’quid by Weight. Exp. 3 # pag. 3
of Infuſions in Water and Air. Exp. 7 # pag. 4
of the Appe@i@e of Continuation in Liquids. Exp. 1 # pag. 5
of Artificial Springs. Exp. 1 # pag. 6
of the Venemous Quality of Mans Fleſh. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Turning Air into Water, Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Helping or Altering the shape of the Body. Exp. 1 # pag. 7
of condenſing of Air to yield Weight, or Nouriſhment. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Flame and Air commixed. Exp. 1 # pag. 8
Of the ſecret nature of Flame. Exp. 1 # pag. 9
of Flame in the midst and on the Sides. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Motion of Gravity. Exp. 1 # pag. 10
of Contraction of Bodies in Bulk. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of making Vines more fruitful. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of the ſeveral Operations of Purging Medicines. Exp. 9 # ibid.
Of Meats and Drinks moſt Nouriſhing. Exp. 15 # pag. 12
of Medicines applied in Order. Exp. 1 # pag. 16
Of cure by Cuſtome. Exp. 1 # pag. 17
Of cure by Exceſs. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Cure by Motion of Conſent. Exp. 1 # ibid.
Of cure of Diſeaſes contrary to Prediſpoſition. # ibid.
Of Preparation before and after Purging. Exp. 1 # pag. 18
of Stanching Blood. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of change of Aliments and Medicines. Exp. 1 # ibid.
Of Diets. Exp. 1 # pag. 19
Of Production of Cold. Exp. 7 # pag. 196
Of turning Air into Water. Exp. 7 # pag. 20
Of Indurætion of Bodies. Exp. 8 # pag. 22
Of Preying of Air upon Water. Exp. 1 # pag. 124
Of the force of Vaion. Exp. 1 # ibid.
Of M@king Feathers and H@irs of divers colours. Exp. 1 # ibid.
Of Nouriſhment of young creatures in the Egge or Womb. Exp. 1 # pag. 25
of Sympathy and Antipatby. Exp. 3 # ibid.
Of the Spirits or Pneumaticals in B@dies. Exp. 1 # pag. 26
Of the Power of Heat. Exp. 1 # pag. 27
Of Impoſſibility of Annih@lation. Exp. 1 # pag. 28
Century II.
OF Muſick. Exp. 14 # pag. 29
of the Nullity and Entity of Sounds. Exp. 4 # pag. 32
of Production, Conſervation, and Delation of Sounds. Exp. 14 # pag. 34
Of Magnitude, Exility, and Damps of Sounds. Exp. 25 # pag. 37
Of Loudneſs, and Softneſs, of Sound. Exp. 3 # pag. 41

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