Theodosius <Bithynius>; Clavius, Christoph, Theodosii Tripolitae Sphaericorum libri tres

Table of Notes

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          <head xml:id="echoid-head10" xml:space="preserve">ERRATORVM CORRECTIO.</head>
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          Pag. # Lin. # Errata. # Correctiones.
          29. # 22. # Quoniam igitur in # Quoniam in
          36. # 30. # atque punctum E, # atque punctum F,
          44. # 20. # Quod ſecundo loco # Quod primo loco
          47. ### Secunda figura cum prima paginæ 48. locum permuter.
          48. #### Prima figura cum ſecunda paginæ 47. locum commutet: & in tertio caſu de. \ṁonſtrationis adhibeatur ſecunda figura paginæ 48.
          48. # 11. # ADC, B E. # ADC, G H.
          54. # 42. # & arcus C H, # & arcus C N,
          58. # 13. # incidant. # indicant.
          61. # 6. # arcus ſingulorum # arcus ſingulos
          64. # 4. # IO, I B. # IO, I P.
          64. # 4. ## in margine pro [12. 1. huius] lege [12. huius]
          64. ### linea antepenultima, in margine apponatur [22. huius.]
          65. # 12. # ad minorem # ad maiorem
          67. # 6. # maiorem eſſe # minorem eſſe
          69. # 3. # per C, # per D,
          70. # 35. # AFC, # AFG.
          75. # 22. # FB, circuli minotis # FB, circuli maioris
          77. # 5. # quorum # quarum
          77. # ultima. # & K L, # & K X,
          80. # 10. # Si igitur ſphæra # Si igitur in ſphæra
          109. # 30. ## in margine apponatur [14. quinti.] immediate ſupra [34. primi]
          112. ### prope finem in margine pro [33. primi.] reponatur [34. primi.]
          127. ### infra lineam vltimam pro [DF,] ponatur [HL.]
          170. # 7. # Sio. # Si 60.
          172. # 43. # vel partem # vel per partem
          176. # 21. # quæ rectæ F E, # quàm rectæ F E,
          187. ### Infra vltimam lineam pro [TABV] reponatur [LINEÆ]
          188. # 1. # LINÆ # LINEÆ
          189. # 2. # CAC, # CAD,
          197. # 28. # tangentem arcus # ad tangentem arcus
          #### In tabulis tang entium, & ſecantium pag. 203. 209. 211. 221. 223. 225. 227. 233. 235. 237. \\ 247. 249. 253. 255. 263. in margine dextro pro [39] ſcribe [29]
          #### In tabula ſecantium pag. 252. ſub gradu 14. è regione minuti 29. antepenultima litera, nem- \ṗe 1. verſus dexteram debet eſſe 2.
          309. # 17. # ſit angens B C, # ſi tangens B C,
          315. # 28. # differentia, hæcnempe # differentia hæc, nempe
          322. # 7. # in E. # in D.
          334. # 14. # ipſi D C, æqualis # ipſi D C, æquali
          359. # 3. # BC, # quàm B C,
          374. # 28. # propoſ. 45. # propoſ. 41. & 42.
          375. # vltima. # propoſ. 45. # propoſ. 66.
          377. # 11. # propoſ. 45. # propoſ. 66.
          378. # antepen. # propoſ. 45. # propoſ. 67.
          388. ## prima figura inuerſa eſt.
          395. # 14. # triangulo ſphætico # triangulo ſphærico rectangulo.
          409. # 1. # eſſe totum # eſſe ſinum totum
          412. # 23. ## deleantur hæcverba [vt in propoſ. dictum eſt.]
          415. # 16. ## ad ſinum complemẽti, ad finum arcus E F, hoc eſt, ad finum com \ṗlementi.
          433. # 22. # theorema ſequens # problema ſequens.
          446. # 28. # aicu B Q, # arcu B K,
          448. # 30. # ſub A V, K V, # ſub A V, K Y,