Castelli, Benedetto, Of the mensuration of running waters, 1661

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Relation of the Waters in the Territories
of Bologna and Ferrara.
The Right Honourable and Illuſtrious, Monſig­
nore CORSINI, a Native of Juſcany, Su­
perintendent of the general DRAINS,
and Preſident of Romagna-
The Rheno, and other Brooks of Romagna, were by the
advice of P. Agoſtino Spernazzati the Jeſuite, towards
the latter end of the time of Pope Clement VIII. notwith­
ſtanding the oppoſition of the Bologneſi, and others concerned
therein, diverted from their Chanels, for the more commodious
cleanſing of the Po of Ferrara, and of its two Branches of Prima­
ro, and Volano; in order to the introducing the water of the
Main-Po into them, to the end that their wonted Torrents being
reſtored, they might carry the Muddy-water thence into the Sea,
and reſtore to the City the Navigation which was laſt, as is ma­
nifeſt by the Brief of the ſaid Pope Clement, directed to the Car­
dinal San Clemence, bearing date the 22. of Auguſt, 1604.
The work of the ſaid cleanſing, and introducing of the ſaid
Po, either as being ſuch in it ſelf, or by the contention of the
Cardinal Legates then in theſe parts; and the jarrings that hap­
ned betwixt them, proved ſo difficult, that after the expence of
vaſt ſumms in the ſpace of 21. years, there hath been nothing
done, ſave the rendring of it the more difficult to be effected.
Interim, the Torrents with their waters, both muddy and
clear, have damaged the Grounds lying on the right hand of the
Po of Argenta, and the Rheno thoſe on its Banks; of which I
will ſpeak in the firſt place, as of that which is of greater impor­
tance, and from which the principal cauſe of the miſchiefs that
reſult from the reſt doth proceed.
* Or Lordſhip.
This Rbeno having overflowed the ^{*} Tennency of Sanmartina,
in circumference about fourteen miles given it before, and part
of that of Cominale given it afterwards, as it were, for a recepta­
cle; from whence, having depoſed the matter of its muddineſs,
it iſſued clear by the Mouths of Maſi, and of Lievaloro, into
the Po of Primaro, and of Volano; did break down the encom­

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