Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

Table of figures

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[Figure 301]
[Figure 302]
[Figure 303]
[Figure 304]
[Figure 305]
[Figure 306]
[Figure 307]
[Figure 308]
[Figure 309]
[Figure 310]
[Figure 311]
[Figure 312]
[Figure 313]
[Figure 314]
[Figure 315]
[Figure 316]
[Figure 317]
[Figure 318]
[Figure 319]
[Figure 320]
[Figure 321]
[Figure 322]
[Figure 323]
[Figure 324]
[Figure 325]
[Figure 326]
[Figure 327]
[Figure 328]
[Figure 329]
[Figure 330]
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            <pb xlink:href="040/01/1148.jpg" pagenum="455"/>
            <p type="head">
              <s>THE OREME XII.</s>
            <p type="main">
                <emph type="italics"/>
              That it is poſſible to fo m Solid Bodies, of what Figure
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
                < n="marg1523"/>
                <emph type="italics"/>
              and greatneſs ſoever, that of their own Nature goe
              to the Bottome; But by the help of the Air
              tained in the Rampart, reſt without ſubmerging.
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
            <p type="margin">
                < id="marg1523"/>
              Solids of any
              Figure &
              neſſe, that
              rally ſink, may
              by help of the
              Air in the
              part ſwimme.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>The truth of this Propoſition is ſufficiently manifeſt in all thoſe
              Solid Figures, that determine in their uppermoſt part in a plane
              Superficies: for making ſuch Figures of ſome Matter
              cally as grave as the water, putting them into the water, ſo that the
              whole Maſs be covered, it is manifeſt, that they ſhall reſt in all
              places, provided, that ſuch a Matter equall in weight to the water,
              may be exactly adjuſted: and they ſhall by conſequence, reſt or
              lie even with the Levell of the water, without making any Rampart.
              <s>If, therefore, in reſpect of the Matter, ſuch Figures are apt to reſt
              without ſubmerging, though deprived of the help of the Rampart,
              it is manifeſt, that they may admit ſo much encreaſe of Gravity,
              (without encreaſing their Maſſes) as is the weight of as much water
              as would be contained within the Rampart, that is made about their
              upper plane Surface: by the help of which being ſuſtained, they
              ſhall reſt afloat, but being bathed, they ſhall deſcend, having been
              made graver than the water. </s>
              <s>In Figures, therefore, that determine
              above in a plane, we may cleerly comprehend, that the Rampart
              added or removed, may prohibit or permit the deſcent: but in thoſe
              Figures that go leſſening upwards towards the top, ſome Perſons
              may, and that not without much ſeeming Reaſon, doubt whether
              the ſame may be done, and eſpecially by thoſe which terminate in a
              very acute Point, ſuch as are your Cones and ſmall Piramids. </s>
              ing theſe, therefore, as more dubious than the reſt, I will endeavour
              to demonſtrate, that they alſo lie under the ſame Accident of going,
              or not going to the Bottom, be they of any whatever bigneſs. </s>
              therefore the Cone be A B D, made of a matter
              ſpecifically as grave as the water; it is manifeſt
                <figure id="id.040.01.1148.1.jpg" xlink:href="040/01/1148/1.jpg" number="317"/>
              that being put all under water, it ſhall reſt in
              all places (alwayes provided, that it ſhall weigh
              exactly as much as the water, which is almoſt
              impoſſible to effect) and that any ſmall weight
              being added to it, it ſhall ſink to the bottom:
              but if it ſhall deſcend downwards gently, I ſay,
              that it ſhall make the Rampart E S T O, and
              that there ſhall ſtay out of the water the point A S T, tripple in
              height to the Rampart E S: which is manifeſt, for the Matter of the </s>