Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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11682Natural Hiſtory; and the duſt gathered about the ſnaſte; but then it made the ſnaſte big,
and long, and to burn duskiſhly, and the Candle waſted in half the time of
the Wax pure.
The next in ſwiftneſs, were the Oyl and Butter, which
conſumed by a fifth part ſwifter than the pure Wax.
Then followed in
ſwiftneſs the clear Wax it ſelf;
then the Bay-ſalt, which laſted about
an eight part longer than the clear Wax;
then followed the Aqua-vitæ,
which laſted about a fifth part longer than the clear Wax;
then follow
the Milk and Water, with little difference from the Aqua-vitæ, but the
Water ſloweſt.
And in theſe four laſt, the VViek would ſpit ſorth little
For the Nitre, it would not hold lighted above ſome twelve
But all the while it would ſpit out portions of Flame, which
afterwards would go outinto a vapor.
For the Brimſtone, it would hold
lighted much about the ſame with the Nitre;
but then after a little while,
it would harden and cake about the ſnaſte:
So that the mixture of Bay-ſalt
with VVax, will win an e ghth part of the time of laſting, and the VVater
a fifth.
After the ſeveral materials were tryed, Tryal was likewiſe made of
11370. ſeveral VVieks;
as of ordinary (otten, Sowing Thred, Ruſh, Silk, Straw, and
The Silk, Straw, and Wood, would flame a little, till they came to
the Wax, and then go out;
of the other three, the Thred conſumed faſter
than the Cotten, by a ſixth part of time;
the Cotten next; then the Ruſh
conſumed ſlower than the Cotton, by at leaſt a third part of time.
For the
bigneſs of the Flame, the Cotton, and Thred, caft a Flame much alike, and
the Ruſh much leſs and dimmer.
Quære, whether VVood and VVieks
both, as in Torches conſume faſter, than the VVieks Simple?
VVe have ſpoken of the ſeveral Materials, and the ſeveral VVieks; but
22371. to the laſting of the Flame, it importeth alſo, not onely, what the material
is, but in the ſame material, whether it be hard, ſoft, old, new, &
c. Good
Houſwives to make their Candles burn the longer, uſe to lay them (one by
one) in Bran or Flower, which make them harder, and ſo they conſume the
Inſomuch, as by this means they will out-laſt other Candles of the
ſame ſtuff, almoſt half in half.
For Bran and Flower have a vertue to
harden, ſo that both age, and lying in the Bran doth help to the laſting.
And we ſee that VVax Candles laſt longer then Tallow-Candles, becauſe
VVax is more firm and hard.
The laſting of Flame alſo dependeth upon the eaſie drawing of the
33372. Nouriſhment;
as we ſee in the Court of England, there is a ſervice which they
call All-Night;
which is (as it were) a great Cake of Wax, with the Wiek
in the midſt;
whereby it cometh to paſs, that the Wiek fetcheth the Nou-
tiſhment further off.
We ſee alfo, that Lamps laſt longer, becauſe the Veſſel
is fat broader than the breadth of a Taper or Candle.
Take a Turreted Lamp of Tin made in the form of a Square; the
44373. height of the Turret, being thrice as much as the length of the lower part,
whereupon the Lamp ſtandeth;
make onely onehole in it, at the end of the
return furtheſt from the Turret.
Reverſe it, and fill it full of Oyl, by that
and then ſet it upright again, and put a Wiek in at the hole, and
lighten it:
You ſhall finde that it will burn ſlow, and a long time: Which
is cauſed (as was ſaid laſt before) for that the Flame fetcheth the Nouriſh
ment a far off.
You ſhall finde alſo, that as the Oyl waſteth and deſcend.
eth, ſo the top of the Turret, by little and little filleth with Air; which
is cauſed by the Rarefaction of the Oyl by the heat.
It were worthy
the obſervation to make a hole, in the top of the Turret, and to try,

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