Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

Table of contents

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[121.] Problem I.
[122.] Problem II.
[123.] Operation.
[124.] Demonstration.
[125.] Remark.
[126.] Problem III.
[127.] Method II.
[128.] Operation.
[129.] Demonstration.
[130.] Method III.
[131.] Operation.
[132.] Demonstration.
[133.] Remark.
[134.] Problem IV.
[135.] Problem V.
[136.] Operation.
[137.] Demonstration.
[138.] Problem VI.
[139.] Method II.
[140.] Operation.
[141.] Demonstration.
[142.] Method III.
[143.] CHAP. VI.
[144.] Prob. I.
[145.] Prob. II.
[146.] Demonstration.
[147.] Corollary.
[148.] Method II.
[149.] Operation,
[150.] Demonstration.
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page |< < (56) of 237 > >|
11656An ESSAY through I, and the Extremity of the propoſed
and therefore the Perſpective of this Ex-
tremity is in the Line L H;
which was to be
Note, if F H had been aſſumed, the one half,
or one third, &
c. of what it is; then it is mani-
feſt that R Q muſt alfo have been taken 1119. to the one half, or third Part, &
c. of C E.
Method. III.
71. Forinclined Lines not meeting the Geometrical
Let A and B be the Seats of the Extremities of
22Fig. 37. the given Line.
Let X repreſent a Plane paſſing
through the given Line perpendicular to the
Geometrical Plane.
Likewiſe let M N in this
Plane, repreſent the Line whoſe Perſpective is re-
and let C N and P M be perpendicular to
the Geometrical Plane:
Whence P C repreſents
A B, and conſequently is equal thereto.
Find the Point I , the Perſpective of a 3350. above the Point A, the Height of C N; and
draw the Line B S, from the Point B, to the
Station Point I, cutting the Baſe Line in E;
from the Point I, draw a Line to the accidental
Point F;
which cut by a Perpendicular to the
Baſe Line, raiſed at the Point E;
and then I T
will be the Appearance ſought.
Method IV.
72. For inclined Lines parallel to the perſpective

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