Castelli, Benedetto, Of the mensuration of running waters, 1661

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1think of returning this Torrent into the divided Po, by reaſon of
the peril that would thence redound to this City.
And that going by Torre del Fondo, through Sanmartina to
the Mouth de Maſi by the Chappel of Vigarano unto the Sea, it is
by this way 70. miles; nor is the Fall greater than 26. 5. 6. Feet, ſo
that it would come to fall but 4. inches & an half, or thereabouts
in a mile; whereas the common opinion of the skilfull (to the
end that the Torrents may not depoſe their ſand that they bring
with them in Land-Floods) requireth the twenty fourth part of
the hundredth part of their whole length, which in our caſe,
accounting according to the meaſure of theſe places, is 16. inches

a ^{*} mile; whereupon the ſinking of the Mud and Sand would
moſt certainly follow, and ſo an immenſe heightning of the Line
of the Bottom, and conſequently a neceſſity of raiſing the Banks,
the impoſſibility of maintaining them, the danger of breaches
and decayes, things very prejudicial to the Iſlets of this City, and
of San Giorgio, the obſtruction of the Drains, which from the
Tower of Tienne downwards, fall into the ſaid Chanel; to wit,
thoſe of the Sluices of Goro, and the Drains, of the Meadows of
Ferrara: And moreover, the damages that would ariſe unto the
ſaid Iſlet of S. Giorgio, and the Valleys of Comachio, by the wa­
ters that ſhould enter into the Goro or Dam of the Mills of Belri­
guardo, thorow the Trenches of Quadrea, which cannot be ſtopt,
becauſe they belong to the Duke of Modena, who hath right of
diverting the waters of that place at his pleaſure to the work of
turning Mills.
* The inch of
theſe places is
ſomewhat bigger
than ours.
The greater part of which Objections, others pretend to prove
frivolous, by ſaying, that its running there till at the laſt it was
turned another way, is a ſign that it had made ſuch an elevation
of the Line, of its Bed as it required; denying that it needeth
ſo great a declivity as is mentioned above; and that for the fu­
ture it would riſe no more.
That the ſaid Dra ns and Ditches did empty into the ſame,
whilſt Po was there; ſo that they muſt needs be more able to do
ſo when onely Reno runs that way.
That there would no Breaches follow, or if they did, they
would be onely of the water of Reno, which in few hours might
be taken away (in thoſe parts they call damming up of Breaches,
and mending the Bank, taking away the Breaches) and its a que­
ſtion whether they would procure more inconvenience than bene­
fit, for that its Mud and Sand might in many places, by filling
them up, occaſion a ſeaſonable improvement.
Now omitting to diſcourſe of the ſolidity of the reaſons on the
oneſide, or on the other, I will produce thoſe that move me to
ſuſpend my allowance of this deſign.

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