Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

Table of figures

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[Figure 301]
[Figure 302]
[Figure 303]
[Figure 304]
[Figure 305]
[Figure 306]
[Figure 307]
[Figure 308]
[Figure 309]
[Figure 310]
[Figure 311]
[Figure 312]
[Figure 313]
[Figure 314]
[Figure 315]
[Figure 316]
[Figure 317]
[Figure 318]
[Figure 319]
[Figure 320]
[Figure 321]
[Figure 322]
[Figure 323]
[Figure 324]
[Figure 325]
[Figure 326]
[Figure 327]
[Figure 328]
[Figure 329]
[Figure 330]
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1chine and perſon in it under Water, but ſo, that the ſupreme or up
per part of the ſame, that is the uppermoſt round Board, may ſtay at
the Superficies of the Water; that is, if the Lead chance to be ſo
ponderous, that it cauſe the Engine to ſink leiſurely to the bottome,
you muſt take away ſome of the ſaid Lead; and on the contrary,
if it chance that the Lead be not able to draw it all in that manner
under Water, ſo as to make the ſaid upper round Board to lye and
ſtay exactly level with the Surface of the Water, but that a part of it
reſts viſible above the Water, you muſt encreaſe the ſaid Lead ſo,
that the upper Board may lye and abide preciſely, as was ſaid
fore, in the Surface of the Water: and when you have thus
ſted the ſaid Lead, I would have you take a Ball or Bullet of Lead
weighing two or three pounds, (that is to ſay of ſuch a weight, that
it may be ſufficient to make the Machine and perſon diving to
ſcend to the bottome as oft as it is interpoſed, or added,) with an
Iron Ring in the ſaid Ball, to which bend or faſten a Rope as long as
the ſaid Water is deep, in which the Diver is to deſcend, and
what more; and reeve or paſſe the other end of the ſaid
Cord through the hole
made in the Board and
Lead through the
329[Figure 329]
tom of the Model; and
faſten that ſame end
of the Cord in a place
of the Machine, ſo, that
the Diver may take it,
and draw it, or ſlack
it as he pleaſeth: and
this being done, the
ſaid Machine will be
And that you
may better
ſtand it, I have here
ſerted it graphically:
yet I ſhould have told
you, that for many
ons you ſhould in the beginning have faſtened a Ring in the
tre of the upper Board, on the outſide, to tye a Cord to the ſame as
occaſion ſerveth.

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