Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

Table of figures

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[Figure 301]
[Figure 302]
[Figure 303]
[Figure 304]
[Figure 305]
[Figure 306]
[Figure 307]
[Figure 308]
[Figure 309]
[Figure 310]
[Figure 311]
[Figure 312]
[Figure 313]
[Figure 314]
[Figure 315]
[Figure 316]
[Figure 317]
[Figure 318]
[Figure 319]
[Figure 320]
[Figure 321]
[Figure 322]
[Figure 323]
[Figure 324]
[Figure 325]
[Figure 326]
[Figure 327]
[Figure 328]
[Figure 329]
[Figure 330]
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              between two round Boards of ſomewhat a greater Diameter than
              the Globe, with four pillars, as in the enſuing figure doth graphically
              appear. </s>
              <s>But in the round Board which is put over the hole or mouth
              of the ſaid Globe, you muſt alſo make a round hole ſomewhat
              rower than that of the Globe, but yet big enough for a man to paſſe
              in and out thereat. </s>
              <s>Afterwards under this round Board ſo bored,
              you muſt place and fix another round bored piece of Lead of ſuch
              thickneſſe, as that it may be able to draw the ſaid Ball or Globe of
              Glaſſe, together with the Diver in ſuch manner under Water, that
              the upper round Board do reſt in the Surface of the Water, namely,
              that it may not be ſo heavy as to ſink the Globe and Diver to the
              bottome, but only to retain it beneath the Surface of the Water,
              which by tryal may be eaſily proportioned, namely, by adding or
              taking away Lead from the Baſe, according as occaſion ſhall require.
              <s>Next you are to frame a ſeat for the Diver to ſit commodiouſly in
              the ſaid Ball or Globe, and next faſten a Ball of Lead to the end of
              a Rope, as many fathom long as the water is deep into which you
              would deſcend, and ſomewhat more, as was ſaid in the preceding
              Explanation. </s>
              <s>And that Ball of Lead ſhould be of ſuch bigneſſe, that
              applied to the ſaid Model, it may be ſufficient to make it deſcend to
              the bottome leiſurely, or ſwiftly, as he ſeeth cauſe who is to dive.
              <s>And make an handle or peg in the ſaid Globe whereat to faſten or
              belay the other end of
              the ſaid Rope, and to
              draw it eaſily upwards,
                <figure id="id.040.01.1195.1.jpg" xlink:href="040/01/1195/1.jpg" number="330"/>
              or let it looſe at the
              pleaſure of him that is
              within, and this may be
              eaſily done by joyning
              and faſtening four
              pieces of wood upright
              in the mouth or hole of
              that bored Board and
              Lead, which ſhall be
              about the mouth of the
              ſaid Globe; and that
              I may be the better
              underſtood, I will give
              it you in figure with the
              Diver ſitting therein.
              <s>If you would deſcend to the bottome of ſome deep water by help
              of this Machine, you are to proceed according to the directions
              ven in the precedent Explanation.</s>