Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

Table of figures

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[Figure 131]
[Figure 132]
[Figure 133]
[Figure 134]
[Figure 135]
[Figure 136]
[Figure 137]
[Figure 138]
[Figure 139]
[Figure 140]
[Figure 141]
[Figure 142]
[Figure 143]
[Figure 144]
[Figure 145]
[Figure 146]
[Figure 147]
[Figure 148]
[Figure 149]
[Figure 150]
[Figure 151]
[Figure 152]
[Figure 153]
[Figure 154]
[Figure 155]
[Figure 156]
[Figure 157]
[Figure 158]
[Figure 159]
[Figure 160]
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1with the ſame charge, and at the ſame elevation or diſport towards
the Weſt, the range towards the Weſt ſhould be very much
ter then the other towards the Eaſt: for that whil'ſt the ball goeth
Weſtward, and the Peece is carried along by the Earth Eaſtward,
the ball will fall from the Peece as far diſtant as is the aggregate of
the two motions, one made by it ſelf towards the Weſt, and the
other by the Peece carried about by the Earth towards the Eaſt;
and on the contrary, from the range of the ball ſhot Eaſtward you
are to ſubſtract the ſpace the Peece moved, being carried after it.
Now ſuppoſe, for example, that the range of the ball ſhot Weſt
were five miles, and that the Earth in the ſame parallel and in the
time of the Bals ranging ſhould remove three miles, the Ball in this
caſe would fall eight miles diſtant from the Culverin, namely, its
own five Weſtward, and the Culverins three miles Eaſtward: but
the range of the ſhot towards the Eaſt would be but two miles
long, for ſo much is the remainder, after you have ſubſtracted
from the five miles of the range, the three miles which the Peece
had moved towards the ſame part.
But experience ſheweth the
Ranges to be equal, therefore the Culverin, and conſequently the
Earth are immoveable.
And the ſtability of the Earth is no leſfe

confirmed by two other ſhots made North and South; for they
would never hit the mark, but the Ranges would be alwayes wide,
or towards the Weſt, by meanes of the remove the mark would
make, being carried along with the Earth towards the Eaſt, whil'ſt
the ball is flying.
And not onely ſhots made by the Meridians,

but alſo thoſe aimed Eaſt or Weſt would prove uncertain; for
thoſe aim'd Eaſt would be too high, and thoſe directed Weſt too
low, although they were ſhot point blank, as I ſaid.
For the
Range of the Ball in both the ſhots being made by the Tangent,
that is, by a line parallel to the Horizon, and being that in the
urnal motion, if it be of the Earth, the Horizon goeth continually
deſcending towards the Eaſt, and riſing from the Weſt (therefore
the Oriental Stars ſeem to riſe, and the Occidental to decline) ſo
that the Oriental mark would deſcend below the aime, and
upon the ſhot would fly too high, and the aſcending of the
ern mark would make the ſhot aimed that way range too low; ſo
that the Peece would never carry true towards any point; and for
that experience telleth us the contrary, it is requiſite to ſay, that
the Earth is immoveable.
Which is
med by the
ment of a body let
fall from the round
top of a Ship.
* That is, at the
foot of the Maſt,
upon the upper
The ſecond
gument taken from
a Projection ſhot
very high.
The third
ment taken from
the ſhots of a
non, towards the
Eaſt, and towards
the West.
This argument
is confirmed by two
ſhots towards the
South and towards
the North.
And it is
wiſe confirmed by
two ſhots towards
the Eaſt, and
wards the Weſt.
SIMPL. Theſe are ſolid reaſons, and ſuch as I believe no man
can anſwer.
SALV. Perhaps they are new to you?
SIMPL. Really they are; and now I ſee with how many
mirable experiments Nature is pleaſed to favour us, wherewith to
aſſiſt us in the knowledge of the Truth.
Oh! how exactly one

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