Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

Table of contents

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[Item 1.]
[2.] SYLVA SYLVARUM, OR, A Natural Hiſtory, IN TEN CENTURIES. Whereunto is newly added, The Hiſtory Natural and Experimental of LIFE and DEATH, or of the Prolongation of LIFE. Publiſhed after the Authors Death, By William Rawley, Doctorin Divinity, One of His Majeſties Chaplains. Whereunto is added Articles of Enquiry, touch-ing Metals and Minerals. And the New Atlantis. Written by the Right Honorable FRANCIS Lord Verulam, Viſcount St. Alban. The Ninth and Last Edition, With an Alphabetical Table of the Principal Things contained in the Ten Centuries.
[3.] LONDON: rinted by J. R. for William Lee, and are to be Sold by the Bookſellers of London. 1670.
[4.] TO THE MOST HIGH AND MIGHTY PRINCE CHARLES, By the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.
[7.] Century II.
[8.] Century III.
[9.] Century IV.
[10.] Century V.
[11.] Century VI.
[12.] Century VII.
[13.] Century VIII.
[14.] Century IX.
[15.] Century X.
[16.] THE LIFE OF THE RIGHT HONOURABLE FRANCIS BACON Baron of Verulam, Viſcount St. Alban. BY WILLIAM RAWLEY. D D. His Lordſhips firſt and laſt Chaplain, and of late his Majeſties Chaplain in Ordinary.
[17.] LONDON, Printed by S. G. & E. G. for William Lee, and are to be ſold at the ſign of the Turks-Head in Fleet ſtreet, over againſt Fetter-Lane, 1670.
[18.] THE LIFE OF THE Right Honourable FRANCIS BACON Baron of Verulam, Viſcount St. Alban.
[19.] Et quod tentabam ſcribere, Verſus erat,
[20.] NATURAL HISTORY. Century I.
[21.] NATURAL HISTORY. Century II.
[23.] Conſent of Viſibles and Audibles.
[24.] Diſſent of Viſibles and Audibles.
[25.] NATURAL HISTORY. Century IV.
[26.] NATURAL HISTORY Century V.
[27.] NATURAL HISTORY. Century VI.
[28.] --Teneriſque meos incidere Amores Arboribus, creſcent illæ, creſcetis Amores.
[29.] Grandia ſæpe quibus mandavimus Hordea Sulcis, Infœlix Lolium, & ſteriles dominatur Avenæ.
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13The TABLE.11
of Peſtilential Tears. Exp. 1 # pag. 85
of Epidemical Diſeaſes. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Preſervation of Liquors in Wells or Vaults. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Stutting. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of ſweet Smells. Exp. 4 # pag. 86
of the Goodneſs and Choice of Waters. Exp. 7 # ibid.
oſ Temperate Heats under the Æquinoctial. Exp. 1 # pag. 87
of the Coloration of Black and Tawney Moors. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Motion after the Instant of Death. Exp. 1 # pag. 88
Century V.
OF Accelerating or Haſtening forward Germination. Exp. 12 # pag. 89
of Retarding or putting back Germination. Exp. 9 # pag. 92
of Meliorating, or making better, Fruits and Plants. Exp. 55 # pag. 93
of Compound Fruits, and Flowers. Exp. 55 # pag. 100
of sympathy and Antipathy of Plants. Exp. 19 # pag. 101
of making Herbs and Fruits Medicinable. Exp. 2 # pag. 104
Century VI.
OF Curioſities about Fruits and Plants. Exp. 17 # pag. 107
of the Degenerating of Plants; and of their Tranſmutation one into another. Exp. 14
# pag. 110
of the Procerity and Lowneſs of Plants; and of Artificial dwarfing them. Exp. 5. # pag. 138
of the Rudiments of Plants; and of the Excreſcences of Plants, or ſuper-Plants. Exp. 36
# ibid.
of Producing perfect Plants without Seed. Exp. 11 # pag. 117
of Forrain Plants. Exp. 3 # pag. 118
of the Seaſons of ſeveral Plants. Exp. 6 # pag. 119
of the Laſting of Plants. Exp. 5 # pag. 120
of ſeveral Figures of Plants. Exp. 3 # pag. 121
of ſome Principal differences in Plants. εxp. 4 # ibid.
of all Manner of Compoſts and Helps for Ground. Exp. 6 # pag. 122
Century VII.
OF the Affinities and Differences between Plants, and Bodies Inanimate. Exp. 6.
# pag. 125
of Affinities and Differences between Plants, and Living Creatures; And of the Confiners
# and Participles of Both. Exp. 3 # pag. 126.
of Plants Experiments Promiſcuous. Exp. 67 # pag. 127
of Healing of woun@s. Exp. 1 # pag. 139
of Fat diffuſed in Fleſh. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Ripening Drink ſpeedily. εxp. 1 # ibid.
of Piloſity and Plumage. εxp. 1. # ibid.
of the Quickneſs of Motion in Birds. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of the Clearneſs of the Sea, the North wind blowing. εxp. 1 # ibid.
of the different heats of Fire and boyling water. Exp. 1 # pag. 140
of the Qualification of heat by Moiſture. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of rawning. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of the Hiccouchs. Exp. 1 # ibid.

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