Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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13The TABLE.11
of Peſtilential Tears. Exp. 1 # pag. 85
of Epidemical Diſeaſes. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Preſervation of Liquors in Wells or Vaults. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Stutting. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of ſweet Smells. Exp. 4 # pag. 86
of the Goodneſs and Choice of Waters. Exp. 7 # ibid.
oſ Temperate Heats under the Æquinoctial. Exp. 1 # pag. 87
of the Coloration of Black and Tawney Moors. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Motion after the Instant of Death. Exp. 1 # pag. 88
Century V.
OF Accelerating or Haſtening forward Germination. Exp. 12 # pag. 89
of Retarding or putting back Germination. Exp. 9 # pag. 92
of Meliorating, or making better, Fruits and Plants. Exp. 55 # pag. 93
of Compound Fruits, and Flowers. Exp. 55 # pag. 100
of sympathy and Antipathy of Plants. Exp. 19 # pag. 101
of making Herbs and Fruits Medicinable. Exp. 2 # pag. 104
Century VI.
OF Curioſities about Fruits and Plants. Exp. 17 # pag. 107
of the Degenerating of Plants; and of their Tranſmutation one into another. Exp. 14
# pag. 110
of the Procerity and Lowneſs of Plants; and of Artificial dwarfing them. Exp. 5. # pag. 138
of the Rudiments of Plants; and of the Excreſcences of Plants, or ſuper-Plants. Exp. 36
# ibid.
of Producing perfect Plants without Seed. Exp. 11 # pag. 117
of Forrain Plants. Exp. 3 # pag. 118
of the Seaſons of ſeveral Plants. Exp. 6 # pag. 119
of the Laſting of Plants. Exp. 5 # pag. 120
of ſeveral Figures of Plants. Exp. 3 # pag. 121
of ſome Principal differences in Plants. εxp. 4 # ibid.
of all Manner of Compoſts and Helps for Ground. Exp. 6 # pag. 122
Century VII.
OF the Affinities and Differences between Plants, and Bodies Inanimate. Exp. 6.
# pag. 125
of Affinities and Differences between Plants, and Living Creatures; And of the Confiners
# and Participles of Both. Exp. 3 # pag. 126.
of Plants Experiments Promiſcuous. Exp. 67 # pag. 127
of Healing of woun@s. Exp. 1 # pag. 139
of Fat diffuſed in Fleſh. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of Ripening Drink ſpeedily. εxp. 1 # ibid.
of Piloſity and Plumage. εxp. 1. # ibid.
of the Quickneſs of Motion in Birds. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of the Clearneſs of the Sea, the North wind blowing. εxp. 1 # ibid.
of the different heats of Fire and boyling water. Exp. 1 # pag. 140
of the Qualification of heat by Moiſture. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of rawning. Exp. 1 # ibid.
of the Hiccouchs. Exp. 1 # ibid.

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