Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

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The Practice of Perſpective may be made
eaſy, by the Three following Things in this
Viz. 1. In giving ſeveral new
and eaſier Ways (than thoſe commonly uſed)
of ſolving the moſt general Problems upon
which the whole Practice is founded:
And the
Reaſon why we have laid down ſeveral So-
lutions, is, becauſe the ſame Way is not always
equally convenient in all Caſes;
whence it is
neceſſary to have ſeveral, that ſo we may
chuſe one beſt ſuiting our Purpoſe.
2. The
general Methods, which have been us’d hi-
therto, not being practicable on ſome particu-
lar Occaſions;
to remedy this, we have ad-
ded others to them;
which are indeed more
difficult, but (in ſome Caſes) there is an ab-
ſolute Neceſſity for them.
3. When it is ve-
ry difficult to reſolve a particular Problem,
by means of general ones;
then we have
thought it convenient to give a particular So-
lution thereof.
By this means, the Study of Perſpective
becomes indeed more difficult;
but the Diſ-
advantage is well recompenſed by the Faci-
cility of the Practice, which we have entire-
ly had in view.
It is true, that a few ge-
neral Rules do not ſo much burthen the Me-
but when one has ſeveral general
ones, and alſo particular ones, by them we
can abridge Matters.
And this Method

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