Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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135101Century V. the firſt uniting, they be often watred; for all moiſture helpeth to Union.
And it is preſcribed alſo to binde the Bud, as ſoon as it cometh forth, as well
as the Stock, at the leaſt for a time.
They report, that divers Seeds put into a Clout, and laid in Earth well
11478. dunged, will put up Plants contiguous;
which (after wards) being bound in,
their Shoots will incorporate.
The like is ſaid of Kernels put into a Bottle,
with a narrow mouth, filled with Earth.
It is reported, that young Trees of ſeveral kindes ſet contiguous with-
22479. out any binding and very oſten watred in a fruitful ground, with the very
luxury of the Trees, will incorporate and grow together.
Which ſeemeth
to me the likelieſt means that hath been propounded;
for that the binding
doth hinder the natural ſwelling of the Tree, which, while it is in motion,
doth better unite.
THere are many ancient and received Traditions and Obſervations,
in Conſort,
touching the
Sympathy and
Antipathy of
touching the Sympathy and Antipathy of Plants;
for that ſome will
thrive beſt growing near others, which they impute to Sympathy;
and ſome
worſe which they impute to Antipathy.
But theſe are idle and ignorant con-
ceits, and forſake the true indication of the cauſes;
as the moſt part of Ex-
periments, that concern Sympathies and Antipathies do.
For as to Plants, neither
is there any ſuch ſecret Friendſhip, or Hatred, as they imagine.
if we ſhould be content to call it Sympathy and Antipathy, it is utterly miſtaken;
for their Sympathy is an Antipathy. and their Antipathy is a Sympathy: For it is
thus, whereſoever one Plant draweth ſuch a particular Juyce out of the
Earth, as it qualifieth the Earth, ſo as that Juyce which remaineth is fit for
the other Plant, there the Neighborhood doth good.
becauſe the nouriſh-
ments are contrary, or ſeveral:
But where two Plants draw (much) the
ſame Juyce, there the Neighborhood hurteth;
for the one deceiveth the
Firſt, therefore, all Plants that do draw much nouriſhment from the
44480. Earth, and ſo ſoak the Earth, and exhauſt it, hurt all things that grow by
as great Trees, (eſpecially Aſhes) and ſuch Trees, as ſpred their
Roots near the top of the ground.
So the Cole wort is not an enemy (though
that were anciently received) to the Vine onely;
but it is an enemy to any
other Plant, becauſe it draweth ſtrongly the fatteſt Juyce of the Earth.
And if it be true, that the Vine, when it creepeth near the Cole wort, will turn
This may be, becauſe there it findeth worſe nouriſhment; for
though the Root be where it was, yet (I doubt) the Plant will bend as it
Where Plants are of ſeveral Natures, and draw ſeveral Juyces out of
55481. the Earth, there as hath been ſaid) the one ſet by the other helpeth:
is ſet down by divers of the Ancients, that Rew doth profper much, and be-
cometh ſtronger, if it be ſet by a Fig-Tree:
Which (we conceive) is cauſed
not by reaſon of Friendſhip, but by Extraction of contrary Juyces;
one drawing Juyce fit to reſult ſweet, the other bitter.
So they have ſet down
likewiſe, that a Roſe ſet by Garlick is ſweeter;
which likewiſe may be, becauſe
the more Fetide Juyce of the Earth goeth into the Garlick, and the more
oderate into the Roſe.
This we ſee manifeſtly, That there be certain Corn-Flowers which come
66482. ſeldom or never in other places, unleſs they be ſet, but onely

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