Castelli, Benedetto, Of the mensuration of running waters, 1661

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1Two objections on the contrary, and anſwers to them.104 & 105What ought to be the proportion of the Heights of Reno in Reno, and of Reno inPo.110Regulator what it is. Definition IV.48Relation of the Waters of Bologna and Ferrara, by Monſignore Corſini100Reno in the Valleys, and its bad effects.100, 101Two wayes to divert it.103The facility and utility of thoſe wayes.Ibid.The difficulties objected.104Reply to Bartolotti touching the dangers of turning Fiume Morto into Serchio.83Retardment of the courſe of a River cauſed by its Banks. Appendix VII.19Riſings made by Flood-Gates but ſmall. Appendix XIII.26Rivers that are ſhallow ſwell much upon ſmall ſhowers, ſuch as are deep riſe but little upon great Floods. Corollary III.6Rivers the higher they are, the ſwifter.Ibid.Rivers the higher they are, theleſſe they encreaſe upon Floods.49Rivers when they are to have equal and when like Velocity.Ibid.Rivers in falling into the Sea, form a Shelf of Sand called Cavallo.65Five Rivers to be diverted from the Lake of Venice, and the inconveniences that would enſue thereupon.74, 75A River of Quick-height, and Velocity in its Regulator being given, if the Height be redoubled by new Water, it redoubleth alſo in Velocity. Propoſition II. The-orem I.51Keepeth the proportion of the heights, to the Velocities. Corollary52SSand and Mud that entereth into the Lake of Venice, and the way to examine it.76Seas agitated and driven by the Winds ſtop up the Ports.64, 65Sections of a River what they are. Definition I.37Sections equally ſwift what they are. Definition II.Ibid.Sections of a River being given, to conceive others equal to them, of different breadth, height and Velocity. Petition.38Sections of the ſame River, and their Proportions to their Velocities. Coroll. I.42Sections of a River diſcharge in any whatſoever place of the ſaid River, equal quantities of Water in equal times. Propoſition I.39Sile River what miſchiefes it threatneth, diverted from the Lake.74Spirtings of Waters grow bigger the higher they go. Coroll. XVI.16Sreams of Rivers how they encreaſe and vary. Coroll. I.6Streams retarded, and the effects thereof. Coroll. IX.8TTable of the Heights, Additions, and Quantities of Waters, and its uſe.56Thraſimenus. Vide Lake.Time how its meaſured in theſe Operations of the Waters.49Torrents encreaſe at the encreaſing of a River, though they carry no more Water than before: Coroll. IV.6Torrents when they depoſe and carry away the Sand. Coroll. V.7Torrents and their effects in a River.6, 7Torrents that fall into the Valleys, or into Po of Volano, and their miſchiefs prevent-ed, by the diverting of Reno into Main Po.100Tyber and the cauſes of its inundations. Coroll. VIII.8

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