Castelli, Benedetto, Of the mensuration of running waters, 1661
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1VValleys of Bologna and Ferrara, their inundations and diſorders, whence they pro-ceed.97Velocity of the Water ſhewn by ſeveral Examples.3Its proportion to the Meaſure.5Velocities equal, what they are.47Velocities like, what they are.47, 48Velocities of Water known, how they help us in finding the Lengths.113A Fable to explain the truth thereof.Ibid.Venice. Vide Lake.Vſe of the Regulator in meaſuring great Rivers. Conſideration I.60WWaters falling, why they diſgroß. Coroll. XVI.16Waters, how the Length of them is Meaſured.70Waters that are imployed to flow Grounds, how they are to be diſtributed.19, 53, 54Waters to be carryed in Pipes, to ſerve Aquaducts and Conduits, how they are to be Mea-ſured.115, 116Way to know the riſing of Lakes by Raines.28Way of the Vulgar to Meaſure the Waters of Rivers.68Wind Gun, and Tortable Fountain of Vincenzo Vincenti of Urbin.11Windes contrary, retard, and make Rivers encreaſe. Coroll. VII.8
The END of the TABLE of the Second Part
of the Firſt TOME.

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