Clavius, Christoph, Geometria practica

Table of handwritten notes

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IE, differentia vm- \\ brarum verſarum # ad Dd, differentiam \\ ſtationum: # Ita D E, mæior vm- \\ bra verſa # ad F G, altitu- \\ dinem
2. Abscindat deinde dioptra in vtraque ſtatione vmbram rectam, vt
figura problematis 4. quæ poſita eſt in pagina 103. Et quia propter 664. ſexti. gulorum ſimilitudinem eſt vt b H, ad ab, ita a M, ad M G: erit 7716. ſexti. lum ſub b H, M G, æquale rectangulo ſub a b, a M. Eadem ratione erit rectan-
ſub B E, F G, æquale rectangulo ſub A B, A F, quod eadem quo 884. ſexti. fit proportio B E, ad A B, quæ A F, ad F G.
Cum ergo rectangulum ſub a b,
M, rectangulo ſub A B, AF, æquale ſit, ob æqualitatem rectarum a b, A B, &

M, AF, erit etiam rectangulum ſub b H, M G;
rectangulo ſub BE, FG,

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