Apollonius <Pergaeus>; Lawson, John, The two books of Apollonius Pergaeus, concerning tangencies, as they have been restored by Franciscus Vieta and Marinus Ghetaldus : with a supplement to which is now added, a second supplement, being Mons. Fermat's Treatise on spherical tangencies

Table of figures

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          42. V. S or s. S x s: \\ m x n, ſegts. by L. # }Brit. Oracle, qu. 87. - Renaldinus, pa. 337.
          43. V. S x s. m x n. # Brit. Oracle, qu. 60.
          44. V. S: s. m - n. # Simpſon’s Alg. pr. 3.
          # ☞ When V and S: s are given, the triangle is given in \\ ſpecies, and therefore may be conſtructed with any other \\ datum which does not affect the angles.
          45. V. S: s. R. # Br. Oracle, qu. 21.
          46. V. S±s. m: n. # Simpſon’s Alg. pr. 7, 9. - *York Mis. Cur. qu. 46.
          47. V. S±s. m - n. # Simpſon’s Alg. pr. 6, 8. - *Oughtred ch. 19, pr. 12, 13. - \\ *Ghetaldus var. pr. 8, 9. - Idem, pr. 14, 15. - Renaldinus \\ pag. 319, 529.
          48. V. S±s. Ar. # Anderſon var. prob. 22. - *Simp. Alg. pr. 34.
          49. V. S±s. L. # Deducible from Simpſon’s Geo. pr. 19, 20.
          50. V. S - s. R. # *Br. Oracle, qu. 20.
          51. V. S
            <emph style="sub">2</emph>
          + s
            <emph style="sub">2</emph>
          . λ. # Hutton’s Mis. qu. 24.
          52. V. m. n. # Simpſon’s Alg. pr. 4. - York Mis. Cur. qu. 17, Caſe 3d. - \\ *Rudd’s Pract. Geo. part 2d, qu. 2. - Court Mag. Feb. 1763, \\ m and n being ſegts. by L.
          53. V. Ar. Per. # *D’Omerique L. III. pr. 34. - *Simpſon’s Alg. pr. 35. - \\ *Simpſon’s Sel. Ex. pr. 30. - Arith. Uni. Caſtillionei, pr. 8, \\ *3. - *Rudd’s Prac. Geo. part 2d, qu. 7. - L. Diary, 1761, \\ qu. 480. - Mathematician, qu. 49. - Gent. Diary, 1744, qu. \\ 40. - *Wolfius’s Alg. pr. 113.
          54. V. Ar. Side of \\ ins. ◻. # }L. Diary, 1763, qu. 507. - Court Mag. Dec. 1762.
          55. V. Per. L. # Reducible to V. P. Per.
          56. V. Per. R. # *Rudd’s Prac. Geo. part Iſt, qu. 19. - Reducible to \\ V. B. S + s.
          57. V. L. m: n, \\ ſegts. by L. # }Mis. Cur. Math. V. I. qu. 26.
          58. V. L. m - n, \\ ſegts. by L. # }L. Diary, 1773, qu. 662.