Barrow, Isaac, Lectiones opticae & geometricae : in quibus phaenomenon opticorum genuinae rationes investigantur, ac exponuntur: et generalia curvarum linearum symptomata declarantur

Table of handwritten notes

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PAg. 3. lin. 25 luce. (præſente, leg. luce (præſente p4, l 21, deſceptatur l diſceptatur
l 31, valeat, id l valeat id p5, l 31, toto l tota, p 6, l 23, dici l dicitur, p 11,
l 10, allas l alias, p 13, l 27, proximo l proximos, p 14, l 12, contraniſmum
l contraniſum, p 14, l 16, effectant l affectant, p 15, l 14, nobile l mobile, p 16,
l 20, in quæ l in iis quæ, p 17, l 3, ſubſtracto l ſubſtrato, p 17, l 5, citentur fig 10,
p 17, l 20, fig 12 l fig 11, p 18, l 11, fig 13 l fig 12, p 19, l 17, tranſmitti l tranſ-
mittit, p 22, l 21 πρθλεπτικῶς lπροληπτικῶς, p 23, l 6, incidentes (radios l inci-
dentes @adios, p 23, l 19, SB protracta lSB (protracta, p 28, ambages.
I. De-
monſtratæ proſtant l ambages demonſtratæ proſtant.
I. Ut in Parabola, p 29,
l 25, citentur fig 29, p 29 l 20, puncto divergentium tanqu@m l puncto divergen-
tium radiorum reflexi rurſus divergunt tanquam, p 29, l 32, ſuo l ſeu, p 32, l 10,
fig 34, 35 deleatur, &
citentur ad lineam 31, p 33, l4, citentur fig 36, ibid. l 6,
citentur fig 37 &
38, p 38, l 28, I q. R. AB. @ lIq. R. & AB. T p 40, l17,
Sc l Si, ib.
l33, quoquam l quaquam, p 41, l 24, abeoque l adeoque, p 45, l7,
reciſſimi l rectiſſimi, ib l8, propriores l propiores, p 47, l 24, reſignare l deſignare,
p 48, l1, Z 2, l2.
ib. l 12, Nocetur ſi ſuerit HNP l Notetu ſi fuerit HN @,
p 57, l4, ejuſce l cn uſce, p 65, l4, exiſtimari l exiſtimare, ib.
l22, ipſe l eſſe, p 67,
l 13, interjaceret l interjacet, p 70, l 3, poſteribus l poſterioribus p 71, l 32, Ad-
verſatur l Advertatur, p 71, l 15, γ S γ v l γ S.
γ v. p 78, l1, in eodem leo-
dem, p 89, l 25.
ratiori l rariori, p 90, l 17, expanſem l expenſam, p 95, l 14,
relect onibus l reflectioni@us, ib.
l 40, Sinus l Simus, p 96, l 3, ſimplicimè l ſimpli-
ciſſime, p 97, l8, quæſitam l quæſitum, p 105, l 28, Poſito l Poſitio, p 112, l 26,
admodum l ad modum.

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