Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

Table of figures

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[Figure 171]
[Figure 172]
[Figure 173]
[Figure 174]
[Figure 175]
[Figure 176]
[Figure 177]
[Figure 178]
[Figure 179]
[Figure 180]
[Figure 181]
[Figure 182]
[Figure 183]
[Figure 184]
[Figure 185]
[Figure 186]
[Figure 187]
[Figure 188]
[Figure 189]
[Figure 190]
[Figure 191]
[Figure 192]
[Figure 193]
[Figure 194]
[Figure 195]
[Figure 196]
[Figure 197]
[Figure 198]
[Figure 199]
[Figure 200]
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1the earth or stone too far outweighs the gold. A vein which contains a
larger proportion of silver than of gold is rarely found to be a rich one.
Earth, whether it be dry or wet, rarely abounds in gold; but in dry earth
there is more often found a greater quantity of gold, especially if it has the

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