Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

Table of figures

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[Figure 141]
[Figure 142]
[Figure 143]
[Figure 144]
[Figure 145]
[Figure 146]
[Figure 147]
[Figure 148]
[Figure 149]
[Figure 150]
[Figure 151]
[Figure 152]
[Figure 153]
[Figure 154]
[Figure 155]
[Figure 156]
[Figure 157]
[Figure 158]
[Figure 159]
[Figure 160]
[Figure 161]
[Figure 162]
[Figure 163]
[Figure 164]
[Figure 165]
[Figure 166]
[Figure 167]
[Figure 168]
[Figure 169]
[Figure 170]
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1hard, as ſuppoſe of braſs; what think you it would do being let
do not you believe (as for my part I do) that it would lie
SIMPL. If that ſuperficies were inclining?
SALV. Yes; for ſo I have already ſuppoſed.
SIMPL. I cannot conceive how it ſhould lie ſtill: nay, I am
confident that it would move towards the declivity with much
SALV. Take good heed what you ſay, Simplicius, for I am
confident that it would lie ſtill in what ever place you ſhould lay
SIMPL. So long as you make uſe of ſuch ſuppoſitions,
viatus, I ſhall ceaſe to wonder if you inferr moſt abſurd
SALV. Are you aſſured, then, that it would freely move
wards the declivity?
SIMPL. Who doubts it?
SALV. And this you verily believe, not becauſe I told you ſo,
(for I endeavoured to perſwade you to think the contrary) but of
your ſelf, and upon your natural judgment.
SIMPL. Now I ſee what you would be at; you ſpoke not this
as really believing the ſame; but to try me, and to wreſt matter
out of my own mouth wherewith to condemn me.
SALV. You are in the right. And how long would that Ball
move, and with what velocity?
But take notice that I inſtanced
in a Ball exactly round, and a plain exquiſitely poliſhed, that all
external and accidental impediments might be taken away.
ſo would I have you remove all obſtructions cauſed by the Airs
ſiſtance to diviſion, and all other caſual obſtacles, if any other
there can be.
SIMPL. I very well underſtand your meaning, and as to your
demand, I anſwer, that the Ball would continue to move in
finitum, if the inclination of the plain ſhould ſo long laſt, and
tinually with an accelerating motion; for ſuch is the nature of
ponderous moveables, that vires acquirant eundo: and the
er the declivity was, the greater the velocity would be.
SALV. But if one ſhould require that that Ball ſhould move
upwards on that ſame ſuperficies, do you believe that it would
ſo do?
SIMPL. Not ſpontaneouſly; but being drawn, or violently
thrown, it may.
SALV. And in caſe it were thruſt forward by the impreſſion of
ſome violent impetus from without, what and how great would
its motion be?
SIMPL. The motion would go continually decreaſing and

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