Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

Table of figures

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[Figure 101]
[Figure 102]
[Figure 103]
[Figure 104]
[Figure 105]
[Figure 106]
[Figure 107]
[Figure 108]
[Figure 109]
[Figure 110]
[Figure 111]
[Figure 112]
[Figure 113]
[Figure 114]
[Figure 115]
[Figure 116]
[Figure 117]
[Figure 118]
[Figure 119]
[Figure 120]
[Figure 121]
[Figure 122]
[Figure 123]
[Figure 124]
[Figure 125]
[Figure 126]
[Figure 127]
[Figure 128]
[Figure 129]
[Figure 130]
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1coloured, or any other. Sometimes quartz, schist, or marble is of this quality
also, if much native or rudis silver adheres to it. But that ore is considered
of poor quality if three librae of silver at the utmost are found in each
one hundred lĂ­brae of it.9 Silver ore usually contains a greater quantity

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