Apollonius <Pergaeus>; Lawson, John, The two books of Apollonius Pergaeus, concerning tangencies, as they have been restored by Franciscus Vieta and Marinus Ghetaldus : with a supplement to which is now added, a second supplement, being Mons. Fermat's Treatise on spherical tangencies
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148. S. s. Line from V making an angle with S=A.
Diarian Repoſitory, qu. 197.
149. S. m. n, theſe being ſegments of B by l from V making a given angle with S.
T. and Country Mag. 1769, pag 662.
150. One angle at the baſe. The ſi le adjacent. The ratio of the other ſide to a line
drawn from V to an unknown point in B, and the length of a line drawn from
the ſaid point parallel to the given ſide to terminate in the unknown ſide.
Hutton’s Miſc. qu. 23.
151. A - a. R. Line from centre of ins. circle to middle of B.
Gent. Diary, 1771 - 2, qu. 349.
152. Three lines from the angles biſecting the oppoſite ſides.
Mathematician, pr. 48. - Simp. Sel. Ex. pr. 22. \\ - Palladium, 1752. qu. 43.
153. Sxs: mxn, ſegts by L. m - n. Angle made by L & I biſecting the baſe.
Brit. Oracle, qu. 93.
154. The baſe of an iſoceles triangle, and the diſtance of the vertical angle from
the foot of a perpendicular from one of the equal angles upon the oppoſite ſide.
Brit. Oracle, qu. 8.
155. P - n. m of an iſoceles triangle, m and n being ſegts. by a perpendicular from
one of the angles at the baſe on one of the equal ſides.
Court Mag. Sep. 1761.
156. V. Line biſecting A or a. Neareſt diſtance from V to periphery of ins. ☉(sun).
*Gent. Diary, qu. 129.
157. V. The ſegments of S made by a line drawn from A to make a given angle
with B.
*Mis. Cur. Math. Vol. I. qu. 79.
158. V. B. Line from A or a to the centre of inſcribed circle.
Mis. Sci. Cur. qu. 53.
159. B. L. Line from extremity of L parallel to S or s.
Math. Mag. No. III. prob. 7.
160. V. The ſegments of B made by a line dividing V into given angles.
Mis. Cur. Math. Vol. II. qu. 48.
161. V. One ſide. Ratio of the ſegments of the baſe made by a line dividing V
into given angles.
Palladium, 1756, pa: 43.

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