Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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              fail, and the ball runs tripping along the ground, or rebounds leſſe
              than uſual, and breaketh the time of the return. </s>
              <s>Hence it is
                < n="marg327"/>
              that you ſee, thoſe who play at ^{*} Stool-ball, when they play in
              a ſtony way, or a place full of. </s>
              <s>holes and rubs that make the ball
              trip an hundred ſeveral wayes, never ſuffering it to come neer the
              mark, to avoid them all, they do not trundle the ball upon the
              ground, but throw it, as if they were to pitch a quait. </s>
              cauſe in throwing the ball, it iſſueth out of the hand with ſome
              roling conferred by the fingers, when ever the hand is under the
              ball, as it is moſt commonly held; whereupon the ball in its lighting
              on the ground neer to the mark, between the motion of the
              jicient and that of the roling, would run a great way from the
              ſame: To make the ball ſtay, they hold it artificially, with their
              hand uppermoſt, and it undermoſt, which in its delivery hath
              a contrary twirl or roling conferred upon it by the fingers, by
              means whereof in its coming to the ground neer the mark it ſtays
              there, or runs very very little forwards. </s>
              <s>But to return to our
              principal problem which gave occaſion for ſtarting theſe others; I
              ſay it is poſſible that a perſon carried very ſwiftly, may let a ball
              drop out of his hand, that being come to the Earth, ſhall not
              onely follow his motion, but alſo out-go it, moving with a
              er velocity. </s>
              <s>And to ſee ſuch an effect, I deſire that the courſe
              may be that of a Chariot, to which on the out-ſide let a
              ning board be faſtened; ſo as that the neither part may be towards
              the horſes, and the upper towards the hind Wheel. </s>
              <s>Now, if in
              the Chariots full career, a man within it, let a ball fall gliding
              long the declivity of that board, it ſhall in roling downward
              quire a particular
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              or turning, the which added to the
              motion impreſſed by the Chariot, will carrie the ball along the
              ground much faſter than the Chariot. </s>
              <s>And if one accommodate
              another declining board over againſt it, the motion of the
              riot may be qualified ſo, that the ball, gliding downwards along
              the board, in its coming to the ground ſhall reſt immoveable,
              and alſo ſhall ſometimes run the contrary way to the Chariot. </s>
              we are ſtrayed too far from the purpoſe, therefore if
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              be ſatisfied with the reſolution of the firſt argnment againſt the
              Earths mobility, taken from things falling perpendicularly, we
              may paſſe to the reſt</s>
            <p type="margin">
                < id="marg327"/>
              *A Game in
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              wherein they ſtrive
              who ſhall trundle
              or throw a wooden
              bowle neereſt to an
              aſſigned mark.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SALV. </s>
              <s>The digreſſions made hitherto, are not ſo alienated
              from the matter in hand, as that one can ſay they are wholly
              ſtrangers to it. </s>
              <s>Beſides theſe argumentations depend on thoſe
              things that ſtart up in the fancy not of one perſon, but of three,
              that we are: And moreover we diſcourſe for our pleaſure, nor
              are we obliged to that ſtrictneſſe of one who
                <emph type="italics"/>
              ex profeſſo
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              methodically of an argument, with an intent to publiſh the ſame. </s>